.Useful Links.















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Achronix Semiconductor Corp.http://www.achronix.com/
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (舊, Xilinx Inc.)https://www.xilinx.com/products/silicon-devices/fpga.html
Altera Corporationhttps://www.altera.com/
Cologne Chip AGhttps://colognechip.com/programmable-logic/
Efinix, Inc.https://www.efinixinc.com/
Flex Logix Technologies, Inc.http://www.flex-logix.com/
Infineon Technologies AG (舊, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation)https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/product/microcontroller/32-bit-psoc-arm-cortex-microcontroller/
Lattice Semiconductor Corporationhttp://www.latticesemi.com/
Microchip Technology Inc. (舊, Atmel Corporation & 舊, Microsemi Corporation)https://www.microchip.com/en-us/products/fpgas-and-plds
QuickLogic Corp.http://www.quicklogic.com/
Renesas Electronics Corporationhttps://www.renesas.com/us/en/products/programmable-mixed-signal-asic-ip-products/forgefpga-low-density-fpgas
Tabula, Inc.http://www.tabula.com/ (CLOSED)

Capital Microelectronics, Inc. (京微雅格)http://www.capital-micro.com/ (CLOSED)
GOWIN Semiconductor Corp. (高云)https://www.gowinsemi.com/
Hercules Microelectronics (京微齐力(北京)科技股份有限公司)https://www.hercules-micro.com/
Shanghai Anlogic Infotech Co., Ltd. (上海安路信息科技股份有限公司)https://anlogic.com/
Shenzhen Pango Microsystems Co.,Ltd. (深圳市紫光同创电子有限公司)https://pangomicro.com/


Useful Links

http://www.eetkorea.com/CAT_839575.HTM - 디자인 코너 : 프로그래머블 로직
Tutotrials: The NASA Office of Logic Design offers a host of tutorials surrounding programmable logic design and military/aerospace design...  The site also offers a host of minicourses, workshops, and seminars... Check it out by clicking here...
https://www.semiwiki.com/ - The open forum for semiconductor professionals from January 1st, 2011
http://freerangefactory.org/cores.html - Free VHDL/Verilog IP cores at your fingertips...

http://www.fpga-faq.com/ - This site is a public repository for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for designers of systems using FPGAs...
[EN] XYZs of Oscilloscopes / [KR] 오실로스코프의 모든 것 - Tektronix에서 제공하는 Oscilloscopes의 기초...  전자엔지니어라면 Oscilloscopes 다루는건 기본이겠죠...

http://embdev.net/forum/fpga-vhdl-verilog - Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog - EmbDev.net
FPGAs are fun! - This site reflects Jean P. Nicolle's experience and opinions on FPGA technology...  It is meant to be informative and useful to anybody interested in learning FPGA technology...
http://opensparc.net/ - OpenSPARC - Sun's initiative to create a community and participation in processor architecture development and application design by making cutting-edge hardware IP freely available

http://www.fpgaworld.com/ - FPGAworld is a news and information site for engineers with a special interest in FPGA design...  The site will have a strong focus on FPGA design but will also cover related issues like IP, SOC, ASIC prototyping etc...  제가 갖고 싶었던 Domain이었는데요, 그동안 중국사람이 점유하고 있다가 결국에는 제대로 주인찾아간것 같습니다...
http://www.fpga-guide.com/ - FPGA-guide.com offers the most comprhensive overview of programmable logic devices and a vendor-independent FPGA/CPLD/PLD searchengine...
ASIC-System On Chip (SoC)-VLSI Design - It's all about VLSI, ASIC, SoC: CMOS Design, Layout, Digital Design, Verilog HDL, Synthesis, Static Timing Analysis (STA), Design For Test(DFT), Physical Design, Floorplanning, Power Planning, Clock Tree Synthesis (CTS), Placement, Routing, Physical Verification, Formal Verification....!
http://asicdigitaldesign.wordpress.com/ - Adventures in ASIC Digital Design

http://svenand.blogdrive.com/ - New Horizons - FPGA design - Wild Skating - Mac - Linux
http://www.fpgacentral.com/ - FPGA Central | World's 1st FPGA Portal
http://www.vhdl-online.de/ - Welcome to VHDL-Online...

http://www.datasheets360.com/ - The World's Most Comprehensive Source of Electronic Component Datasheets and Distributor Pricing
http://vol.verilog.com/ - This is a self-study course for learning the Verilog Hardware Description Language.
http://www.fpga-site.com/ - CPLD, FPGA: The Programmable Logic Jump Station - Comprehensive links to FPGA, CPLD, and reconfigurable computing sites
http://fpgacpu.wordpress.com/ - FPGA CPU News - The purpose of this site is to share the lore of designing parallel computers and integrated systems-on-chips using FPGAs.

http://xilinx.tistory.com/ - Xilinx 한국지사에 근무하시는 김혁님께서 운영하시는 blog.
http://www.electronicspecifier.com/fpgas/ - FPGAs news from electronic specifier
http://vhdl.renerta.com/ - VHDL Language Reference Guide
http://verilog.renerta.com/ - Verilog Language Reference Guide

http://simplefpga.blogspot.com/ - Learn Verilog by Example (Easy FPGA Code Using Verilog)
http://allaboutfpga.com/ - Learning FPGA and VHDL concepts
https://www.fpga4student.com/ - FPGA Projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL Projects