Updated Oct. 13, 2003
IBM Compatible Parallel Port Interfacing
EE481 Logical Design Lab
Fall 2003, Lab #5
- Describe implementation and application differences of 74373 and
74374 chips. Why (or where) would you choose one over the other?
- How would you measure data transfer rate for a design that you
are suppose to implement in the experiment section?
- Show the design of SR Flip Flop using a D Flip Flop.
- Show the design of T Flip Flop using a SR Flip Flop.
- Show the design of JK Flip Flop using a SR Flip Flop.
- Synthesize the following circuit with D flip flops:
- Design and implementation of a parallel interface for a PC.
- Calculate required drop resister values for the 7-segment
- Design one-way data transmission interface (see Figure
- Implement the interface using TTL logic devices.
- How fast the transfer rate for your PC?

Check out the following timing diagram to see how
data transfer and control signal events occur during
session. You may also use this diagram to answer prelab questions.

You may want to use a Binary-Editor to create your own data
to shape characters at the display. An editor called xed is
loaded into every PC in the lab for this purpuse.
Unexpected malfunctioning in your circuit may fry the PC's parallel
port which makes all the computer unusable. To reduce the amount of
damage, a buffer card as a protection interface will be provided. So,
use provided card to protect the PC from unexpected events.