        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor
; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test basic incrementing and decrementing instructions and
; skipping.
; Output an incrementing pattern to PORTB, up to 20 and
; then start decrementing back down to zero, repeat forever.
count   equ     14      ;
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   clrf	count

	; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	movf	count, W	; W <= count
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	incf	count, W	; W <= count + 1
	movwf	count
	xorlw	14h		; Compare W with 20
	goto	incloop

	; OK.  We hit FF, Now decrement for a while
	movf	count, W	; W <= count
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	decf	count		; W <= count - 1
	goto	decloop

	goto	incloop
        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor
; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test ADD instructions
; Output an ever increasing series (x = x + 10) to PORTB.
; Watch the Carry bit pulse HIGH when it wraps.
x	equ     14      ;
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   clrf	x

	; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	movlw	D'10'
	addwf	x, W		; W <= W + X
	movwf	x		; X <= W
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	goto	addloop
        org     01FFh
		  goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor
; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test SUB instructions.  Output to PORTB a series of numbers, x = x - 10.
; Watch the Carry/Borrow bit pulse LOW when it wraps.
x	equ     14      ;
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   movlw	D'20'
	movwf	x

	; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	movlw	D'10'
	subwf	x, W		; W <= W + X
	movwf	x		; X <= W
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	goto	subloop
        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor
; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test the Rotate instructions.  Cause a single '1' to rotate right
; a bunch of times, then rotate left, then repeat again forever.
x	equ	14
count	equ	15
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   ; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	movlw	D'20'
	movwf	count

	clrf	x
	rrf	x, W
	movwf	x
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W

	; OK.  Rotate 20 times
rloop1	rrf	x, W
	movwf	x
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	decfsz	count
	goto	rloop1

;*** Now go the other way
	movlw	D'236'
	movwf	count

	clrf	x
	rlf	x, W
	movwf	x
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W

	; OK.  Rotate 20 times
rloop2	rlf	x, W
	movwf	x
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	incfsz	count
	goto	rloop2

done	goto	main
        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor
; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test various Logical operations..  Output incrementing pattern
; to PORTB through contorted logical operations.
x	equ	14
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   ; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	clrw			; W <= 00000000
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W

	;*** Test the Literal Logicals
	iorlw	B'00000001'	; W <= 00000001
	movwf	portb		

	xorlw	B'00000011'	; W <= 00000010
	movwf	portb		

	iorlw	B'11111111'	; W <= 11111111
	andlw	B'00000011'	; W <= 00000011
	movwf	portb		

	;*** Test the File Register Logicals
	; Output 4 (00000100)
	movlw	B'10101010'	; W <= 10101010
	movwf	x		; X <= W
	movlw	B'10101110'
	xorwf	x		; X <= 00000100
	movf	x, W		; Output..
	movwf	portb		

	; Output 5 (00000101)
	movlw	B'10101010'	; W <= 10101010
	movwf	x		; X <= W
	movlw	B'00000101'
	iorwf	x		; X <= 10101111
	movlw	B'01010101'
	andwf	x		; X <= 00000101
	movf	x, W		; Output..
	movwf	portb		

	; Output 6 (00000110)
	movlw	B'11111001'	
	movwf	x		; X <= 11111001
	comf	x		; X <= 00000110
	movf	x, W		; Output..
	movwf	portb		

done	goto	done
        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor
; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test I/O Ports.
; Echo anything read on PORTA to PORTB and echo complement to PORTC.
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   ; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	movf	porta, W	; W <= PortA
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	xorlw	H'FF'		; Complement W
	movwf	portc		; PORTB <= W
	goto	mainloop
        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C56 is the target processor

; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test Register File Banks and address mapping, and Indirect Addressing.
; Location count is located in lower half of banks and should be
; accessable regardless of the bank.  Increment
; this counter after switching to each bank.  Write this count
; to locations in upper part of each bank.  Then go back, read
; each value and echo out portb.  Should see incrementing pattern
; on PORTB.

INDF	equ	0

count   equ	9	; This location should be common to all Banks
x0	equ	01eh	; This is in upper part of Bank0
x1	equ	03eh	; This is in upper part of Bank1
x2	equ	05eh	; This is in upper part of Bank2
x3	equ	07eh	; This is in upper part of Bank3

porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   clrw
	tris	portb
	movwf	count
	incf	count

	; Point to a location in upper part of Bank #0
	movlw	x0	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	count,W	; Get the count value
	movwf	INDF	; Write using index
	incf	count	; Increment the counter

	; Point to a location in upper part of Bank #1
	movlw	x1	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	count,W	; Get the count value
	movwf	INDF	; Write using index
	incf	count	; Increment the counter

	; Point to a location in upper part of Bank #2
	movlw	x2	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	count,W	; Get the count value
	movwf	INDF	; Write using index
	incf	count	; Increment the counter

	; Point to a location in upper part of Bank #3
	movlw	x3	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	count,W	; Get the count value
	movwf	INDF	; Write using index
	incf	count	; Increment the counter

	; OK.  Go back and read each count and output to PORTB
	movlw	x0	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	INDF,W	; Retrieve the count value to W
	movwf	portb	; Write to PORTB
	movlw	x1	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	INDF,W	; Retrieve the count value to W
	movwf	portb	; Write to PORTB
	movlw	x2	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	INDF,W	; Retrieve the count value to W
	movwf	portb	; Write to PORTB
	movlw	x3	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	INDF,W	; Retrieve the count value to W
	movwf	portb	; Write to PORTB

done	goto	done

        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C56 is the target processor

; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test CALL and RET instructions..
; The 16C57 only has 2 stack levels!

count   equ     14
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   ; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	clrf	count
	call	func1
	movwf	portc
	call	func1
	movwf	portc
	call	func2
	movwf	portc
	call	func2
	movwf	portc
	call	func3
	movwf	portc

done	goto	done

func1	incf	count
	movf	count, W
	movwf	portb
	retlw	h'88'

func2	decf	count
	movf	count, W
	movwf	portb
	retlw	h'77'

func3	call 	func1
	movwf	portc
	retlw	h'66'

        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor

; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test the TIMER0 free-running timer
; Let's just read timer0 as fast as we can, and output it to PORTB.
; Every 20 times through the loop, increment (mod 8) the prescaler.
; Echo the prescaler out PORTC.  So, we should we that PORTB changes
; less frequently as the prescaler increases.  Eventually, the prescaler
; wraps back to zero, and this repeats infinitely.
; Verilog-XL note:  A great way to see this is to display the signals:
;    tmr0, portb and portc.  If you do this, you can see the affect
;    pretty clearly.

count   equ     08
scale   equ	09

porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
timer0  equ     01	; Timer0
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   ; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output
	clrf	scale
	movlw	d'20'	
	movwf	count

	movf	scale, W	; Get prescaler
	option			; Program it
	movwf	portc		; Write current prescaler to PORTC

loop2	movf	timer0, W	; Read Timer0
	movwf	portb		; Echo it out PORTB
	decfsz	count		; Do this some number of times
	goto	loop2
	incf	scale		; Increment our prescaler, but..
	movlw	B'00000111'	; keep it to 3 bits.
	andwf	scale
	goto	loop1

        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor
; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test basic incrementing and decrementing instructions and
; skipping.
; Output an incrementing pattern to PORTB, up to 20 and
; then start decrementing back down to zero, repeat forever.
count   equ     14      ;
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   clrf	count

	; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	movf	count, W	; W <= count
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	incf	count, W	; W <= count + 1
	movwf	count
	xorlw	14h		; Compare W with 20
	goto	incloop

	; OK.  We hit FF, Now decrement for a while
	movf	count, W	; W <= count
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	decf	count		; W <= count - 1
	goto	decloop

	goto	incloop
        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor
; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test ADD instructions
; Output an ever increasing series (x = x + 10) to PORTB.
; Watch the Carry bit pulse HIGH when it wraps.
x	equ     14      ;
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   clrf	x

	; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	movlw	D'10'
	addwf	x, W		; W <= W + X
	movwf	x		; X <= W
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	goto	addloop
        org     01FFh
		  goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor
; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test SUB instructions.  Output to PORTB a series of numbers, x = x - 10.
; Watch the Carry/Borrow bit pulse LOW when it wraps.
x	equ     14      ;
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   movlw	D'20'
	movwf	x

	; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	movlw	D'10'
	subwf	x, W		; W <= W + X
	movwf	x		; X <= W
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	goto	subloop
        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor
; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test the Rotate instructions.  Cause a single '1' to rotate right
; a bunch of times, then rotate left, then repeat again forever.
x	equ	14
count	equ	15
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   ; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	movlw	D'20'
	movwf	count

	clrf	x
	rrf	x, W
	movwf	x
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W

	; OK.  Rotate 20 times
rloop1	rrf	x, W
	movwf	x
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	decfsz	count
	goto	rloop1

;*** Now go the other way
	movlw	D'236'
	movwf	count

	clrf	x
	rlf	x, W
	movwf	x
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W

	; OK.  Rotate 20 times
rloop2	rlf	x, W
	movwf	x
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	incfsz	count
	goto	rloop2

done	goto	main
        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor
; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test various Logical operations..  Output incrementing pattern
; to PORTB through contorted logical operations.
x	equ	14
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   ; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	clrw			; W <= 00000000
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W

	;*** Test the Literal Logicals
	iorlw	B'00000001'	; W <= 00000001
	movwf	portb		

	xorlw	B'00000011'	; W <= 00000010
	movwf	portb		

	iorlw	B'11111111'	; W <= 11111111
	andlw	B'00000011'	; W <= 00000011
	movwf	portb		

	;*** Test the File Register Logicals
	; Output 4 (00000100)
	movlw	B'10101010'	; W <= 10101010
	movwf	x		; X <= W
	movlw	B'10101110'
	xorwf	x		; X <= 00000100
	movf	x, W		; Output..
	movwf	portb		

	; Output 5 (00000101)
	movlw	B'10101010'	; W <= 10101010
	movwf	x		; X <= W
	movlw	B'00000101'
	iorwf	x		; X <= 10101111
	movlw	B'01010101'
	andwf	x		; X <= 00000101
	movf	x, W		; Output..
	movwf	portb		

	; Output 6 (00000110)
	movlw	B'11111001'	
	movwf	x		; X <= 11111001
	comf	x		; X <= 00000110
	movf	x, W		; Output..
	movwf	portb		

done	goto	done
        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor
; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test I/O Ports.
; Echo anything read on PORTA to PORTB and echo complement to PORTC.
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   ; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	movf	porta, W	; W <= PortA
	movwf	portb		; PORTB <= W
	xorlw	H'FF'		; Complement W
	movwf	portc		; PORTB <= W
	goto	mainloop
        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C56 is the target processor

; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test Register File Banks and address mapping, and Indirect Addressing.
; Location count is located in lower half of banks and should be
; accessable regardless of the bank.  Increment
; this counter after switching to each bank.  Write this count
; to locations in upper part of each bank.  Then go back, read
; each value and echo out portb.  Should see incrementing pattern
; on PORTB.

INDF	equ	0

count   equ	9	; This location should be common to all Banks
x0	equ	01eh	; This is in upper part of Bank0
x1	equ	03eh	; This is in upper part of Bank1
x2	equ	05eh	; This is in upper part of Bank2
x3	equ	07eh	; This is in upper part of Bank3

porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   clrw
	tris	portb
	movwf	count
	incf	count

	; Point to a location in upper part of Bank #0
	movlw	x0	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	count,W	; Get the count value
	movwf	INDF	; Write using index
	incf	count	; Increment the counter

	; Point to a location in upper part of Bank #1
	movlw	x1	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	count,W	; Get the count value
	movwf	INDF	; Write using index
	incf	count	; Increment the counter

	; Point to a location in upper part of Bank #2
	movlw	x2	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	count,W	; Get the count value
	movwf	INDF	; Write using index
	incf	count	; Increment the counter

	; Point to a location in upper part of Bank #3
	movlw	x3	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	count,W	; Get the count value
	movwf	INDF	; Write using index
	incf	count	; Increment the counter

	; OK.  Go back and read each count and output to PORTB
	movlw	x0	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	INDF,W	; Retrieve the count value to W
	movwf	portb	; Write to PORTB
	movlw	x1	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	INDF,W	; Retrieve the count value to W
	movwf	portb	; Write to PORTB
	movlw	x2	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	INDF,W	; Retrieve the count value to W
	movwf	portb	; Write to PORTB
	movlw	x3	; Get Address
	movwf	FSR	; Set index register
	movf	INDF,W	; Retrieve the count value to W
	movwf	portb	; Write to PORTB

done	goto	done

        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C56 is the target processor

; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test CALL and RET instructions..
; The 16C57 only has 2 stack levels!

count   equ     14
porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   ; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output

	clrf	count
	call	func1
	movwf	portc
	call	func1
	movwf	portc
	call	func2
	movwf	portc
	call	func2
	movwf	portc
	call	func3
	movwf	portc

done	goto	done

func1	incf	count
	movf	count, W
	movwf	portb
	retlw	h'88'

func2	decf	count
	movf	count, W
	movwf	portb
	retlw	h'77'

func3	call 	func1
	movwf	portc
	retlw	h'66'

        org     01FFh
        goto    start

        LIST    p=16C57 ; PIC16C57 is the target processor

; PIC Core Verification Program
; Test the TIMER0 free-running timer
; Let's just read timer0 as fast as we can, and output it to PORTB.
; Every 20 times through the loop, increment (mod 8) the prescaler.
; Echo the prescaler out PORTC.  So, we should we that PORTB changes
; less frequently as the prescaler increases.  Eventually, the prescaler
; wraps back to zero, and this repeats infinitely.
; Verilog-XL note:  A great way to see this is to display the signals:
;    tmr0, portb and portc.  If you do this, you can see the affect
;    pretty clearly.

count   equ     08
scale   equ	09

porta   equ     05      ; I/O register F5
portb   equ     06      ; I/O register F6
portc   equ     07      ; I/O register F7
timer0  equ     01	; Timer0
STATUS  equ     03      ; STATUS register F3
CARRY   equ     0       ; Carry bit in status register
ZERO    equ     2       ;
W	equ	0 

start   ; Set up TRIS registers
	movlw	0ffh
	tris	porta	; PORTA is Input
	tris	portb	; PORTB is Output
	tris	portc	; PORTC is Output
	clrf	scale
	movlw	d'20'	
	movwf	count

	movf	scale, W	; Get prescaler
	option			; Program it
	movwf	portc		; Write current prescaler to PORTC

loop2	movf	timer0, W	; Read Timer0
	movwf	portb		; Echo it out PORTB
	decfsz	count		; Do this some number of times
	goto	loop2
	incf	scale		; Increment our prescaler, but..
	movlw	B'00000111'	; keep it to 3 bits.
	andwf	scale
	goto	loop1

        org     01FFh
        goto    start

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