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Kumar, S.,J. H. Aylor, B. W. Johnson, W. A. Wulf, The Codesign of Embedded Systems: A Unified Hardware/Software Representation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1996. [Purchase from Kluwer Academic Publishers]
Holliday, M. A., M. K. Vernon, "A Generalized Timed Petri Net for Performance Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE - 13, No. 12, December 1987.[Reference Not Available]
Chang, C. K., Y. Chang, L. Yang, C. Chou, J. Chen, "Modeling a Real - Time Multitasking System in a Timed PQ Net," IEEE Software, March 1989, pp. 46 - 51. Ferrari, D., Computer Systems Performance Evaluation, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1978. [Reference Not Available]
Rose, F., T. Steeves, and T. Carpenter, "VHDL Performance Models," Proceedings 1st Annual RASSP Conference, pp 60 - 70, Arlington, VA, August, 1994. [ROSE94A]
Steeves, T., et al, "Evaluating Distributed Multiprocessor Designs," Proceedings 2nd Annual RASSP Conference, pp 95 - 102, Arlington, VA, July, 1995. [STEEVES95A]
Shackleton, J., T.Steeves, "Advanced Multiprocessor System Modeling," Proceedings Fall 1995 VIUF, pp 8.21 - 8.28, Boston, MA, October, 1995 [SHACKLETON_95]
Hein, C., and D. Nasoff, "VHDL - based Performance Modeling and Virtual Prototyping", Proceedings 2nd Annual RASSP Conference, pp 87 - 94, Arlington, VA, July, 1995. [HEIN95A]
Siewwork, Newell, and Bell, "Computer Structures Principles and Examples", MCGraw-Hill, 1982. [Purchase from McGraw-Hill publishers]
Honeywell Technology Center, "VHDL Performance Modeling Interoperability Guideline", available on-line at: PMIG and related docs. [HONEYWELL]
Jain, R., Werth, J., "A General Model for Scheduling of Parallel Computations and its Application to Parallel I/O Operations", Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on Parallel Processing, April, 1991. [Reference Not Available]
Yang, J., Bic, L., "A Mapping Strategy for MIMD Computers", Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on Parallel Processing, April, 1991. [Reference Not Available]
Agrawal, D., Shukla, S., "Allocation and Communication in Distributed Memory Multiprocessors for Periodic Real-Time Applications", Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on Parallel Processing, April, 1991. [Reference Not Available]
Zuerndorfer, B., Shaw, G., "SAR Processing for RASSP Application", Proceedings of the RASSP Conference, August, 1994. [ZUERNDORFER94A]
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