module full_adder(sum_out, carry_out, a, b, carry_in); /* * A gate-level model of a 1-bit full-adder */ output carry_out, sum_out; input carry_in, a, b; wire one_high, generate, propagate; xor x0(one_high, a, b); xor x1(sum_out, one_high, carry_in); and a0(generate, a, b); and a1(propagate, one_high, carry_in); or o0(carry_out, generate, propagate); endmodule /* full_adder */ module stimulus; reg a, b, c_in; wire s_out, c_out; reg clk; integer i; full_adder f_a0(s_out, c_out, a, b, c_in); initial $gr_waves("c_in", c_in, "b", b, "a", a, "sum", s_out, "c_out", c_out, "clk", clk); initial begin clk = 1'b0; forever clk = #1 ~clk; end initial begin $display("a\tb\tcarry_in\tcarry_out\tsum_out\n"); for(i = 0; i <= 8; i = i + 1) begin {a, b, c_in} = i[2:0]; #10 $display("%b\t%b\t %b\t\t %b\t\t %b", a, b, c_in, c_out, s_out); end #10 $stop; end endmodule /* stimulus */ <div align="center"><br /><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7293844627074885"; //468x60, Created at 07. 11. 25 google_ad_slot = "8619794253"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script><br /> </div>