Schedule Clk I+1
Registers: RA: N5, RB: x@2, RC: x@1, RD: N2, RE: X, RF:N6, RG: N4 After Clock, Registers need to be setup for next clock which is:RA: x@3, RB: x@2, RC: x@1, RD: N2, RE: N3, RF:N7
Schedule Clk I+1:Sample J-1: N8(N2+N6) Y ? RD + RF output goes to Y bus. Sample J: N2(x*a0) RD ? RE *a0 overwrite old N2 value, don㦙 needVery important that N2 go into RD because this is needed for next clock cycle.Sample J: N3(x@1*a1) RE ? RC * a1 Need RE=N3 for next clock!!But what about X value that is in RE??? Next clock, X= X@1 for sample J+1,so put X into RC register!!!!
Sample J+1: RC=x@1 RC ? RE J+1:x@1 = J:xSample J: N7(N4+N5) RF ? RG + RA Need N7 in RF for J+1 sample.Sample J+1: RA=x@3 RA ? RB J+1: x@3 = J:x@2Sample J+1: RB=x@2 RB ? RC J+1: x@2 = J:x@1 Finished: no extra registers needed.