Design Analyzer (TM)
                        DC Professional (TM)
                           DC Expert (TM)
                         FPGA Compiler (TM)
                         VHDL Compiler (TM)
                          HDL Compiler (TM)
                        Library Compiler (TM)
                         Test Compiler (TM)

                    Version v3.1a -- Mar 16, 1994
              Copyright (c) 1988-1994 by Synopsys, Inc.
                         ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl images.vhd
Loading db file '/local/tech15/synopsys/libraries/syn/standard.sldb'
Loading db file '/local/tech15/synopsys/libraries/syn/gtech.db'
Loading vhdl file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/images.vhd'
Reading in the Synopsys vhdl primitives.
Information: Saving the package 'images'. (HDL-202)
Error: Subprogram body or architecture for 'image' was not defined . (HDL-85)
Error: Can't read 'vhdl' file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/images.vhd'. (UID-59)
No designs were read
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl images-body.vhd
Loading vhdl file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/images-body.vhd'
Warning: Alias declarations are not supported for synthesis. They are ignored  on line 45  (VHDL-2041)
Error: Object bv_norm not found  on line 51  (VHDL-2234)
Error: Can't read 'vhdl' file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/images-body.vhd'. (UID-59)
No designs were read
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl bv_arithmetic.vhd
Loading vhdl file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/bv_arithmetic.vhd'
Information: Saving the package 'bv_arithmetic'. (HDL-202)
Error: Subprogram body or architecture for 'bv_to_natural' was not defined . (HDL-85)
Error: Can't read 'vhdl' file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/bv_arithmetic.vhd'. (UID-59)
No designs were read
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl bv_arithmetic-body.vhd
Loading vhdl file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/bv_arithmetic-body.vhd'
Warning: Initial values for signals are not supported for synthesis. They are ignored  on line 53  (VHDL-2022)
Error: Attribute  with arguments 'POS is not supported for synthesis  on line 0  (VHDL-2151)
Error: Can't read 'vhdl' file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/bv_arithmetic-body.vhd'. (UID-59)
No designs were read
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl syn_bv_arithmetic.vhd
Loading vhdl file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/syn_bv_arithmetic.vhd'
Warning: Initial values for signals are not supported for synthesis. They are ignored  on line 291  (VHDL-2022)
Error: Attribute  with arguments 'POS is not supported for synthesis  on line 0  (VHDL-2151)
No designs were read
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl dlx.vhd
Loading vhdl file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/dlx.vhd'
Error: Can't find the package 'MEM_TYPES'
	in the library 'DEFAULT'. (LBR-1)
Error: Can't read 'vhdl' file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/dlx.vhd'. (UID-59)
No designs were read
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl mem_types.vhd
Loading vhdl file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/mem_types.vhd'
Information: Saving the package 'mem_types'. (HDL-202)
No designs were read
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl mem_types-body.vhd
Error: Cannot read file 'mem_types-body.vhd'. (UID-58)
No designs were read
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl alu_types.vhd
Loading vhdl file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/alu_types.vhd'
Information: Saving the package 'alu_types'. (HDL-202)
No designs were read
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl dlx_types.vhd
Loading vhdl file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/dlx_types.vhd'
Information: Saving the package 'dlx_types'. (HDL-202)
Error: Subprogram body or architecture for 'resolve_dlx_word' was not defined . (HDL-85)
Error: Can't read 'vhdl' file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/dlx_types.vhd'. (UID-59)
No designs were read
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl dlx_rtl.vhd
Loading vhdl file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/dlx_rtl.vhd'
**Error: /tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/dlx_rtl.vhd  line -39
	Intermediate file "DEFAULT.MEM_TYPES.sim" has changed. Re-analyze files that depend on this file. (VSS-89)
Error: Can't read 'vhdl' file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/dlx_rtl.vhd'. (UID-59)
No designs were read
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl dlx_types-body.vhd
Loading vhdl file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/dlx_types-body.vhd'
Warning: Initial values for signals are not supported for synthesis. They are ignored  on line 36  (VHDL-2022)
Information: Saving the package 'dlx_types'. (HDL-202)
No designs were read
design_analyzer> read -format vhdl dlx.vhd
Loading vhdl file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/dlx.vhd'
Warning: Type of the generic is assumed to be 'Integer' in synthesis  on line 36  (VHDL-2023)
Error: Physical types are not supported for synthesis  on line 36  (VHDL-2153)
Error: Can't read 'vhdl' file '/tmp_mnt/users/tech8/hendrich/vhdl/dlx/dlx.vhd'. (UID-59)
No designs were read
Thank you...

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