Last updated 11 Feb 1999 by sh

       European Space Agency VHDL Repository: temporary directory

This directory is used for storing information related to VHDL, ASIC
design, FPGAs and components for designing spacecraft electronics.


Unless otherwise specified, the following copyright notice applies to
all information in this repository:

    Copyright (c) 1997 European Space Agency. All rights reserved.

    This information may be used and distributed without restriction
    provided that this copyright statement is retained and that any
    derivative work acknowledges the origin of the information.


All information is provided "as is", there is no warranty that the
information is correct or suitable for any purpose, neither implicit
nor explicit.

The information does not necessarily reflect the policy of the European 
Space Agency.


EVI32.pdf       "ERC32 VMEBus Interface (EVI32) - Functional Specification"
                 Format: Adobe PDF   "ERC32 VMEBus Interface (EVI32) - Synthesizable VHDL Model"
                 Format: Encrypted ZIP 
                 UnZip for Unix can be found at
                 Contact Jiri Gaisler ( for key   link to ../doc/ See README file in that
                 directory. Do *NOT* reference this link, instead reference
                 ../doc/ since this link will be removed in
                 the future.

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