-- VHDL data flow description generated from `ms2n_y`
--		date : Fri Jan 22 08:55:21 1993

-- Entity Declaration

ENTITY ms2n_y IS
    CONSTANT area : NATURAL := 4284;	-- area
    CONSTANT rup : NATURAL := 1596;	-- rup
    CONSTANT rdown : NATURAL := 1044;	-- rdown
    CONSTANT cin_di : NATURAL := 73;	-- cin_di
    CONSTANT cin_si : NATURAL := 73;	-- cin_si
    CONSTANT cin_se : NATURAL := 113;	-- cin_se
    CONSTANT cin_l : NATURAL := 71	-- cin_l
  PORT (
  di : in BIT;	-- di
  si : in BIT;	-- si
  se : in BIT;	-- se
  l : in BIT;	-- l
  f : out BIT;	-- f
  vdd : in BIT;	-- vdd
  vss : in BIT	-- vss
END ms2n_y;

-- Architecture Declaration

ARCHITECTURE behaviour_data_flow OF ms2n_y IS
  SIGNAL dff_s : REG_BIT REGISTER;	-- dff_s

  ASSERT ((vdd and not (vss)) = '1')
    REPORT "power supply is missing on ms2n_y"

  label0 : BLOCK (l = '0' AND NOT l'stable)
    dff_s <= GUARDED not (((se and si) or (not (se) and di)));
  END BLOCK label0;

f <= dff_s;

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