-- description du controle du  DLX-m en VHDL --
-- version m0.3                     
-- 4 decembre 1992
-- le chemin de test n'est pas implemente, seuls figurent les connecteurs
-- associes fonc .
-- Dans la simulation fonc doit etre mis a 1 .

entity dlxm_ctl is

port( ck      : in    bit ;                             -- horloge externe
      gel     : in    bit ;                             -- gel externe
      rqst    : in    bit ;                             -- signal int. ext. du status  
      excp    : in    bit ;                             -- .....  exceptions .....
      reset   : in    bit ;                             -- signal requete reset ... 
      ir16    : in    bit ;                             -- ir(16)    venant du data_p
      nul     : in    bit ;                             -- flag      ................
      codop   : in    bit_vector(5 downto 0) ;          -- ir(31:26) ................
      mode    : in    bit ;                             -- d_status(0) = mode
      m_ins   : out   bit_vector(27 downto 7) ;         -- micro-instruction
      byte    : out   bit ;                             -- flag byte
      ico     : out   bit ;                             -- flag ico pour status 
      rw      : out   bit ;                             -- flag acces memoire
      fonc    : in    bit ;
      vdd     : in    bit ;
      vss     : in    bit ) ;

end dlxm_ctl ;

architecture FONCTIONAL of dlxm_ctl is

-- Definition des signaux --

signal m_adr  : bit_vector(5 downto 0) ;
signal m_adr_reg  : reg_vector(5 downto 0) register ;
signal sh_outrom: bit_vector(27 downto 0) ;
signal outrom : reg_vector(27 downto 0) register ;
signal seq    : bit_vector(6 downto 0) ;
signal icodop : bit ;
signal cop1   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) ;
signal cop2   : bit_vector(1 downto 0) ;
signal rer  : bit;

-- Definition des constantes --

constant x_rs   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0000" ;    -- m_ins(27 : 24)
constant x_rt   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0001" ;
constant x_pc   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0100" ;
constant x_ad   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0101" ;
constant x_sr   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0110" ;
constant x_iar  : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0111" ;
constant x_c0   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"1000" ;
constant x_cb   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"1100" ;
constant x_ch   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"1111" ;

constant y_i16 : bit_vector(2 downto 0) := B"000" ;      -- m_ins(23 :21)
constant y_i18 : bit_vector(2 downto 0) := B"001" ;
constant y_i28 : bit_vector(2 downto 0) := B"010" ;
constant y_dt  : bit_vector(2 downto 0) := B"011" ;
constant y_ad  : bit_vector(2 downto 0) := B"100" ;
constant y_c0  : bit_vector(2 downto 0) := B"101" ;
constant y_c4  : bit_vector(2 downto 0) := B"110" ;
constant y_c16 : bit_vector(2 downto 0) := B"111" ;

constant a_sumxy : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0001" ;   -- m_ins(20 : 17)
constant a_difxy : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0010" ;
constant a_and   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0100" ;
constant a_or    : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0101" ;
constant a_xor   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0110" ;
constant a_sll   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0111" ;
constant a_srl   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"1000" ;
constant a_sra   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"1001" ;
constant a_seq   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"1010" ;
constant a_sne   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"1011" ;
constant a_sge   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"1100" ;
constant a_sgt   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"1101" ;
constant a_sle   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"1110" ;
constant a_slt   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"1111" ;
constant a_nop   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0000" ;

constant r_no  : bit_vector(5 downto 0) := B"000000" ;   -- m_ins(16 : 11)
constant r_pc  : bit_vector(5 downto 0) := B"000001" ;
constant r_ad  : bit_vector(5 downto 0) := B"000010" ;
constant r_iar : bit_vector(5 downto 0) := B"000100" ;
constant r_r31 : bit_vector(5 downto 0) := B"001000" ;
constant r_rd  : bit_vector(5 downto 0) := B"010000" ;
constant r_sr  : bit_vector(5 downto 0) := B"100000" ;

constant m_no      : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0011" ;    -- m_ins(10 : 7)
constant m_fetch   : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"1010" ;
constant m_read_w  : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0010" ;
constant m_write_w : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0000" ;
constant m_read_b  : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0110" ;
constant m_write_b : bit_vector(3 downto 0) := B"0100" ;

constant s_next    : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1000001" ;  --m_ins(6 : 0)
constant s_i2s     : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1100011" ;
constant s_not_nul : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1100101" ;
constant s_nul     : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1100111" ;
constant s_s2i     : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1111001" ;
constant s_mem     : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1011011" ;
constant s_codop_1 : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"0001101" ;
constant s_codop_2 : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"0101111" ;
constant s_goto_8  : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"0010000" ;
constant s_goto_12 : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"0011000" ;
constant s_goto_33 : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1000010" ;
constant s_goto_34 : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1000100" ;
constant s_goto_45 : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1011010" ;
constant s_goto_46 : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1011100" ;
constant s_goto_47 : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1011110" ;
constant s_goto_48 : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1100000" ;
constant s_goto_50 : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1100100" ;
constant s_goto_51 : bit_vector(6 downto 0) := B"1100110" ;


-- definition de signaux internes --

rer <= (excp or rqst );                               -- interruption

seq(6 downto 0) <= outrom(6 downto 0)  when (reset ='0')       else
--  outrom(6 downto 0) when (rst='1') and (m_adr_reg=B"100001")else 
-- irq
--  outrom(6 downto 0) when (rst='1') and (m_adr_reg(5 downto 1) =B"11001") else
-- pct,sr16l
  s_goto_33 ;

-- Determination de m_adr en  fonction du sequenceur outrom (6:0)--
-- fonctionnement du micro-sequenceur -----------------------------

m_adr(5 downto 4) <= seq(6 downto 5) ;

m_adr(3 downto 0) <= seq(4 downto 1)           when seq(0)='0' else
             B"000" & rer                    when seq(3 downto 0)=B"0001" else
             B"010" & ir16                     when seq(3 downto 0)=B"0011" else
             B"000" & not(nul)                 when seq(3 downto 0)=B"0101" else
             B"000" & nul                      when seq(3 downto 0)=B"0111" else
             B"110" & ir16                     when seq(3 downto 0)=B"1001" else
             B"10" &  not(codop(2)) & codop(1) when seq(3 downto 0)=B"1011" else
             cop2 & codop(1 downto 0)          when seq(3 downto 0)=B"1111" else
             cop1 ;  --                        when seq(3 downto 0)=B"1101" ;--

cop2 <= not (codop(4 downto 3)) when (codop(1)='0' and codop(5)='1')
        else codop(4 downto 3) ;

icodop <= '1' when ( codop(5 downto 3)=B"000" and codop(0)='1' ) else
          '1' when ( codop(5 downto 0)=B"001011" ) else
          '1' when ( codop(5 downto 3)=B"011" and codop(1)='0' ) else
          '1' when ( codop(5 downto 3)=B"100" and codop(1 downto 0)=B"10") else
          '1' when ( codop(5 downto 3)=B"101" and codop(0)='1' ) else
          '1' when ( codop(5 downto 1)=B"11011" ) else
          '1' when ( codop(5 downto 2)=B"1111" ) else
          '1' when ( codop(5 downto 1)=B"11001" and (mode='1')) else

cop1 <= B"0111" when (icodop = '1') else                  -- illegal codop 
        B"0100" when (codop(5)='0' and codop(2)='0') else -- reg
        B"0100" when (codop(5 downto 2)=B"1000")     else -- reg
        B"0101" when (codop(5)='0' and codop(2)='1') else -- imd
        B"0110" when (codop(5 downto 2)=B"1001")     else -- imdu 
        B"0000" when (codop(5 downto 3)=B"101")      else -- base
        B"0010" when (codop(5 downto 4)=B"11" and codop(2)='1' and codop(0)='0') else
        B"0011" when (codop(5 downto 4)=B"11" and codop(2)='1' and codop(0)='1') else
        '1' & codop(3) & codop(1 downto 0) ; -- when codop(5 downto 4)=B"11" and codop(2)='0') ; --
-- Determination de la micro-instruction m_ins en  fonction de m_adr --

with m_adr(5 downto 0) select
sh_outrom <= x_rs  & y_i16 & a_sumxy & r_ad  & m_no      & s_mem     when B"000000" ,--adr
             x_rs  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_no  & m_no      & s_nul     when B"000010" ,--beqz
             x_rs  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_no  & m_no      & s_not_nul when B"000011" ,--bnez
             x_rt  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_ad  & m_no      & s_codop_2 when B"000100" ,--reg
             x_c0  & y_i16 & a_sumxy & r_ad  & m_no      & s_codop_2 when B"000101" ,--imd
             x_ch  & y_i16 & a_and   & r_ad  & m_no      & s_codop_2 when B"000110" ,--imdu
             x_pc  & y_c4  & a_difxy & r_pc  & m_no      & s_goto_33 when B"000111" ,--rpc
             x_rs  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_pc  & m_no      & s_goto_48 when B"001000" ,--jr
             x_pc  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_r31 & m_no      & s_goto_8  when B"001001" ,--jalr
             x_c0  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_no  & m_no      & s_s2i     when B"001010" ,--s2i
             x_c0  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_no  & m_no      & s_i2s     when B"001011" ,--i2s
             x_pc  & y_i28 & a_sumxy & r_pc  & m_no      & s_goto_48 when B"001100" ,--j
             x_pc  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_r31 & m_no      & s_goto_12 when B"001101" ,--jal
             x_iar & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_pc  & m_no      & s_goto_34 when B"001110" ,--rfe
             x_pc  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_iar & m_no      & s_goto_51 when B"001111" ,--trap
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_sumxy & r_ad  & m_no      & s_goto_47 when B"010000" ,--add
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_difxy & r_ad  & m_no      & s_goto_47 when B"010010" ,--sub
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_xor   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"010011" ,--lxor
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_sll   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"010100" ,--sll
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_srl   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"010101" ,--srl
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_sra   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"010110" ,--sra
             x_ad  & y_c16 & a_sll   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"010111" ,--lhi
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_seq   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"011000" ,--seq
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_sne   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"011001" ,--sne
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_sge   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"011010" ,--sge
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_sle   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"011011" ,--sle
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_and   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"011100" ,--land
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_or    & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"011101" ,--lor
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_sgt   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"011110" ,--sgt
             x_rs  & y_ad  & a_slt   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"011111" ,--slt
             x_pc  & y_c4  & a_sumxy & r_pc  & m_no      & s_codop_1 when B"100000" ,--init
             x_pc  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_iar & m_no      & s_goto_51 when B"100001" ,--irq
             x_sr  & y_c16 & a_srl   & r_sr  & m_no      & s_goto_48 when B"100010" ,--sr16r
             x_c0  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_no  & m_read_w  & s_goto_45 when B"101000" ,--lw
             x_c0  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_no  & m_read_b  & s_goto_46 when B"101001" ,--lb
             x_rt  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_no  & m_write_w & s_goto_48 when B"101010" ,--sw
             x_rt  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_no  & m_write_b & s_goto_48 when B"101011" ,--sb
             x_c0  & y_dt  & a_sumxy & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"101101" ,--lw2
             x_cb  & y_dt  & a_and   & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"101110" ,--lb2
             x_c0  & y_ad  & a_sumxy & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"101111",--novr
             x_c0  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_no  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"110000",--ifetch
             x_pc  & y_i18 & a_sumxy & r_pc  & m_no      & s_goto_48 when B"110001",--branch
             x_c0  & y_c4  & a_difxy & r_pc  & m_no      & s_goto_48 when B"110010" ,--pct
             x_sr  & y_c16 & a_sll   & r_sr  & m_no      & s_goto_50 when B"110011" ,--sr16l
             x_rs  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_iar & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"110100" ,--i2iar
             x_rs  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_sr  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"110101" ,--i2sr
             x_iar & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"111100" ,--iar2i
             x_sr  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_rd  & m_fetch   & s_next    when B"111101" ,--sr2i
             x_c0  & y_c0  & a_sumxy & r_no  & m_no      & s_goto_33 when others ;

-- Stokage de l'adresse de la micro instruction --
b_madrreg : block ((ck='0') and (gel = '0') and not ck'STABLE)
 m_adr_reg(5 downto 0) <= guarded (m_adr(5 downto 0)) ;
end block ;
-- Determination de la sortie de la rom --

b_outrom : block ((ck='0') and (gel = '0') and not ck'STABLE)
 outrom(27 downto 0) <= guarded (sh_outrom(27 downto 0)) ;
end block ;

-- Determination des sorties --
-- le chemin de test n est pas implemente --
 -- champs opx opy alu
m_ins(27 downto 17) <= outrom(27 downto 17) ; 

  -- champ res
m_ins(16 downto 11) <= outrom(16 downto 11) when (excp='0')
                       outrom(16 downto 11) when ((excp='1')and(m_adr_reg=B"000111"))                  -- rpc 
                       outrom(16 downto 11) when ((excp='1')and(m_adr_reg=B"100001"))                  -- irq
                       outrom(16 downto 11) when ((excp='1')and(m_adr_reg(5 downto 1) = B"11001"))     -- pct ou sr16l
                     B"000000" ;                   -- champ res = r_no

  -- champ acces memoire
m_ins(10 downto 7) <= outrom(10 downto 7) when ( excp ='0')
                      B"0011" ;                      -- m_no

byte  <= outrom(9) ;                               -- '0' par defaut : word
rw    <= outrom(8) ;                               -- '1' par defaut  : read
ico   <= icodop    when m_adr_reg(5 downto 0) = B"100000"       -- init
         '0' ;


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