--********************************************************************* -- Copyright (c) 1994 Frank Vahid, Jie Gong, and Sanjiv Narayan -- Department of Computer Science -- University of California, Irvine --********************************************************************* -- SpecCharts model for Volume System -- Verification Information: -- Compiler/ -- Verified By whom? Date Simulator -- -------- ------------ -------- ------------ -- Syntax yes Jie Gong ? Zycad -- Functionality yes Jie Gong ? Zycad -- -- use work.bit_functions.all; entity VolumeSystemE is port ( x_step_p : in bit_vector (7 downto 0) ; y_step_p : in bit_vector (7 downto 0) ; data_p : in integer ; initiate_p : in bit ; ready_p : in bit ; x_pos_p : out bit ; y_pos_p : out bit ; x_dir_p : out bit ; y_dir_p : out bit ; motor_reset_p : out bit ; output_p : out bit_vector (15 downto 0) ; strobe_p : out bit ; diskport_p : out integer ); end; architecture VolumeSystemA of VolumeSystemE is begin behavior VolumeSystem type sequential subbehaviors is type memory_type is array (0 to 20) of integer; variable x_step_var : bit_vector (7 downto 0); variable y_step_var : bit_vector (7 downto 0); variable x_count : integer; variable y_count : integer; variable x_dir_var : bit; variable y_dir_var : bit; variable M : memory_type; variable found : bit; variable index : integer; variable volume : integer; variable num_data : integer; variable flat_level : integer; variable anterior_wall : integer; variable posterior_wall : integer; begin Initiate : (TOC, true, Empty1); Empty1 : (TOC, y_count < B2I(y_step_var), MotorControl1), (TOC, y_count >= B2I(y_step_var), Output); MotorControl1: (TOC, true, Empty2); Output : (TOC, true, stop); Empty2 : (TOC, x_count < B2I(x_step_var), Xbody), (TOC, x_count >= B2I(x_step_var), IncY); IncY : (TOC, true, Empty1); Xbody : (TOC, true, Empty2); behavior Initiate type code is begin wait until (initiate_p = '1'); x_step_var := x_step_p; y_step_var := y_step_p; motor_reset_p <= '1'; wait for 10 ns; motor_reset_p <= '0'; y_count := 0; x_count := 0; y_pos_p <= '1'; wait for 10 ns; y_pos_p <= '0'; x_dir_var := '0'; y_dir_var := '0'; num_data := 10; volume := 0; wait for 10 ns; end Initiate; behavior Empty1 type code is begin null; end Empty1; behavior MotorControl1 type code is begin x_count := 0; x_pos_p <= '1'; y_pos_p <= '1'; x_dir_p <= x_dir_var; y_dir_p <= y_dir_var; wait for 1 ns; x_pos_p <= '0'; y_pos_p <= '0'; wait for 1 ns; if (x_dir_var = '0') then x_dir_var := '1'; else x_dir_var := '0'; end if; end MotorControl1; behavior Output type code is begin output_p <= I2B(volume,16); wait for 1 ns; end Output; behavior Empty2 type code is begin null; end Empty2; behavior IncY type code is begin y_count := y_count + 1; end IncY; behavior Xbody type sequential subbehaviors is begin MotorControl2 : (TOC, true, DataAcquisition); DataAcquisition : (TOC, true, FlatLevel); FlatLevel : (TOC, true, AnteriorWall); AnteriorWall : (TOC, true, PosteriorWall); PosteriorWall : (TOC, true, ComputeVolume); ComputeVolume : (TOC, true, Disk); Disk : (TOC, true, IncX); IncX : (TOC, true, stop); behavior MotorControl2 type code is begin x_pos_p <= '1'; wait for 1 ns; x_pos_p <= '0'; wait for 1 ns; end MotorControl2; behavior DataAcquisition type code is variable temp_index: integer; begin temp_index := 0; while (temp_index < num_data) loop strobe_p <= '1'; wait until (ready_p = '1'); strobe_p <= '0'; M(temp_index) := data_p; wait until (ready_p = '0'); temp_index := temp_index + 1; end loop ; end DataAcquisition; behavior FlatLevel type code is variable temp2: integer; begin temp2 := 0; for temp1 in (num_data - 2) to (num_data - 1) loop temp2 := temp2 + M(temp1); end loop ; flat_level := B2I(SHL0(I2B(temp2,8),3)) + 10; end FlatLevel; behavior AnteriorWall type code is variable temp3: integer; begin found := '0'; anterior_wall := 0; index := 0; while (found = '0') loop temp3 := M(index); if (temp3 > flat_level) then index := index + 1; else anterior_wall := index; found := '1'; end if; end loop ; end AnteriorWall; behavior PosteriorWall type code is variable temp4: integer; begin found := '0'; posterior_wall := 0; while ((found = '0') and (index < num_data)) loop temp4 := M(index); if (temp4 < flat_level) then index := index + 1; else posterior_wall := index; found := '1'; end if; end loop ; end PosteriorWall; behavior ComputeVolume type code is begin if (found = '1') then volume := volume + posterior_wall * posterior_wall * posterior_wall - anterior_wall * anterior_wall * anterior_wall; else volume := 0; end if; end ComputeVolume; behavior Disk type code is variable data_index: integer; begin data_index := 0; for data_index in 0 to (num_data - 1) loop diskport_p <= M(data_index); wait for 1 ns; end loop ; end Disk; behavior IncX type code is begin x_count := x_count + 1; end IncX; end Xbody; end VolumeSystem; end VolumeSystemA; <div align="center"><br /><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7293844627074885"; //468x60, Created at 07. 11. 25 google_ad_slot = "8619794253"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script><br /> </div>