-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- RTPC CPU Benchmark : -- Library Package -- -- Derived from -- ROMP description written in verilog by Edward Czeck et al. -- Most likely based on the IBM RT-PC Hardware Technical -- Reference (c) 1985 (for RT PC model 10, 20, and 25) -- -- Authors: -- Alfred B. Thordarson (abth@ece.uci.edu) -- and -- Nikil Dutt, professor of CS and ECE -- University Of California, Irvine, CA 92717 -- -- Changes: -- Dec 1, 1993: File created by Alfred B. Thordarson -- -- Verification Information: -- -- Verified By whom? Date Simulator -- -------- ------------ -------- ------------ -- Syntax yes Alfred B. Thordarson 01 Dec 93 Synopsys -- Functionality yes Alfred B. Thordarson 01 Dec 93 Synopsys -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; package RTPC_LIB is subtype Dec is integer; -- -- Constants for the condition codes -- constant perm_zero: Dec := 24; constant less_than: Dec := 25; constant equal_to: Dec := 26; constant greater_than: Dec := 27; constant carry: Dec := 28; constant reserved: Dec := 29; constant overflow: Dec := 30; constant test_bit: Dec := 31; -- -- Other constants -- constant addition: Dec := 0; constant subtraction: Dec := 1; constant WriteToMemory: Dec := 0; constant CompareMemory: Dec := 1; constant BranchDelayed: Dec := 2; constant BranchNext: Dec := 1; constant BranchNow: Dec := 1; constant BranchNone: Dec := 0; -- -- Resolution for the bus -- function WiredAnd(sources: std_logic_vector) return std_logic; subtype Bits1 is WiredAnd std_logic; type Bits is array(natural range <>) of Bits1; subtype Bits64 is Bits(63 downto 0); subtype Bits32 is Bits(31 downto 0); subtype Bits16 is Bits(15 downto 0); subtype Bits8 is Bits(7 downto 0); subtype Bits4 is Bits(3 downto 0); subtype Bits2 is Bits(1 downto 0); -- -- Registers -- type Regis is array(natural range <>) of Dec; -- -- Convertion functions -- function b2d(p:Bits) return Dec; function b2d(p:Bits1) return Dec; function d2b(sz: Dec; p:Dec) return Bits; function h2b(sz: Dec; p:string) return Bits; function b2h(sz: Dec; p:Bits) return string; function b2h(sz: Dec; p:Bits1) return string; function h2d(p:string) return Dec; function d2h(sz: Dec; p:Dec) return string; -- -- Other handy functions -- function SHL(p:Bits;o:Dec;n:Bits1) return Bits; function SHR(p:Bits;o:Dec;n:Bits1) return Bits; function shlbyte(p:Dec) return Dec; function dec_bits(l,r,p:Dec) return Dec; function subtract(p1,p2:Dec) return Dec; -- -- Overwritten operators for Bits -- function "not"(r:Bits) return Bits; function "not"(r:Bits1) return Bits1; function "and"(l:Bits;r:Bits) return Bits; function "xor"(l:Bits;r:Bits) return Bits; function "or"(l:Bits;r:Bits) return Bits; function "+"(l:Bits;r:Bits) return Bits; function "-"(l:Bits;r:Bits) return Bits; -- -- Overwritten operators for Dec -- function "not"(r:Dec) return Dec; function "and"(l:Dec;r:Dec) return Dec; function "xor"(l:Dec;r:Dec) return Dec; function "or"(l:Dec;r:Dec) return Dec; end RTPC_LIB; package body RTPC_LIB is -- -- Resolution function for a wired-and bus -- function WiredAnd(sources: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable i : Dec; variable result : std_logic := '1'; begin if (sources="") then return result; end if; for i in sources'RANGE loop if (sources(i)='0') then result := '0'; end if; end loop; assert (sources/="") report "No drivers" severity note; return result; end; -- -- Shift a bit-vector left by number of bits -- function SHL(p:Bits;o:Dec;n:Bits1) return Bits is variable i : Dec; variable pTemp : Bits(p'LENGTH-1 downto 0); variable result : Bits(p'LENGTH-1 downto 0); begin pTemp:=p; for i in 0 to pTemp'LENGTH-1 loop if (i<o) then result(i):=n; else result(i):=pTemp(i-o); end if; end loop; return result; end; -- -- Shift a bit-vector right by number of bits and fill with n -- function SHR(p:Bits;o:Dec;n:Bits1) return Bits is variable i : Dec; variable pTemp : Bits(p'LENGTH-1 downto 0); variable result : Bits(p'LENGTH-1 downto 0); begin pTemp:=p; for i in 0 to pTemp'LENGTH-1 loop if (i>pTemp'LENGTH-1-o) then result(i):=n; else result(i):=pTemp(i+o); end if; end loop; return result; end; -- -- Shift a decimal left by 8 bits -- function shlbyte(p:Dec) return Dec is begin return b2d(SHL(d2b(32,p),8,'0')); end; -- -- Return Decimal number acording to bits given -- function dec_bits(l,r,p:Dec) return Dec is variable Bitsp : Bits32; begin Bitsp:=d2b(32,p); if (l<r) then return b2d(Bitsp(r downto l)); end if; if (l=r) then return b2d(Bitsp(l)); end if; if (l>r) then return b2d(Bitsp(l downto r)); end if; end; -- -- Subtraction implemented because of overflow -- function subtract(p1,p2:Dec) return Dec is variable p1Bits,p2Bits : Bits32; variable result : SIGNED(31 downto 0); begin p1Bits:=d2b(32,p1); p2Bits:=d2b(32,p2); result:=SIGNED(p1Bits)-SIGNED(p2Bits); return b2d(Bits(result)); end; -- -- Binary to Decimal convertion -- function b2d(p:Bits) return Dec is variable i : Dec; variable pTemp : Bits32; begin pTemp(p'LENGTH-1 downto 0):=p; for i in 31 downto p'LENGTH loop pTemp(i):='0'; end loop; return CONV_INTEGER(SIGNED(pTemp)); end; -- -- Binary to Decimal convertion - 1 bit -- function b2d(p:Bits1) return Dec is variable pBits : Bits(0 to 0); begin pBits(0):=p; return b2d(pBits); end; -- -- Decimal to Binary convertion -- function d2b(sz: Dec; p:Dec) return Bits is begin return Bits(CONV_SIGNED(p,sz)); end; -- -- Returns the hex-digit of one binary nibble -- function bin2hex(p:Bits) return string is variable i,len : Dec; variable temp : Bits(3 downto 0); begin len:=p'LENGTH; if (len>4) then len:=4; end if; temp(len-1 downto 0):=p; for i in len to 3 loop temp(i):='0'; end loop; case temp is when "0000" => return "0"; when "0001" => return "1"; when "0010" => return "2"; when "0011" => return "3"; when "0100" => return "4"; when "0101" => return "5"; when "0110" => return "6"; when "0111" => return "7"; when "1000" => return "8"; when "1001" => return "9"; when "1010" => return "A"; when "1011" => return "B"; when "1100" => return "C"; when "1101" => return "D"; when "1110" => return "E"; when "1111" => return "F"; when others => return "?"; end case; end; -- -- Returns the binary nibble of a hex-digit -- function hex2bin(p:string) return Bits is variable PTemp : string(1 to p'LENGTH); begin pTemp:=p; case pTemp(pTemp'LENGTH) is when '0' => return "0000"; when '1' => return "0001"; when '2' => return "0010"; when '3' => return "0011"; when '4' => return "0100"; when '5' => return "0101"; when '6' => return "0110"; when '7' => return "0111"; when '8' => return "1000"; when '9' => return "1001"; when 'a'|'A' => return "1010"; when 'b'|'B' => return "1011"; when 'c'|'C' => return "1100"; when 'd'|'D' => return "1101"; when 'e'|'E' => return "1110"; when 'f'|'F' => return "1111"; when others => return "XXXX"; end case; end; -- -- Hex to binary convertion -- function h2b(sz: Dec; p:string) return Bits is variable pTemp : string(1 to p'LENGTH); variable result : Bits(sz-1 downto 0); variable offset : Dec; variable i : Dec; begin pTemp:=p; offset:=pTemp'LENGTH; i:=0; while (i<=sz-1) loop if (offset>=1) then result(i+3 downto i) := hex2bin(pTemp(offset to offset)); else result(i+3 downto i) := "0000"; end if; offset:=offset-1; i:=i+4; end loop; return result; end; -- -- Binary to hex convertion -- function b2h(sz:Dec; p:Bits) return string is variable result : string(1 to sz); variable temp : Bits(p'LENGTH-1 downto 0); variable offset : Dec; variable i,len : Dec; begin temp(p'LENGTH-1 downto 0) := p; offset:=0; for i in sz downto 1 loop len:=4; if (offset+len>p'LENGTH) then len:=p'LENGTH-offset; end if; if (len>0) then result(i to i):=bin2hex(temp(offset+len-1 downto offset)); else result(i):='0'; end if; offset:=offset+4; end loop; return result; end; -- -- Binary to hex convertion - 1 bit -- function b2h(sz:Dec; p:Bits1) return string is variable pBits : Bits(0 to 0); begin pBits(0):=p; return b2h(sz,pBits); end; -- -- Hex to decimal convertion -- function h2d(p:string) return Dec is begin return b2d(h2b(p'LENGTH*4,p)); end; -- -- Decimal to hex convertion -- function d2h(sz: Dec; p:Dec) return string is begin return b2h(sz,d2b(4*sz,p)); end; -- -- Overwriting the "not" operator for Bits -- function "not"(r:Bits) return Bits is variable i : Dec; variable result : Bits(r'LENGTH-1 downto 0); begin result:=r; for i in result'LENGTH-1 downto 0 loop if result(i)='0' then result(i):='1'; else result(i):='0'; end if; end loop; return result; end; -- -- Overwriting the "not" operator for Bits1 -- function "not"(r:Bits1) return Bits1 is variable pBits : Bits(0 to 0); begin pBits(0):=r; pBits:=not pBits; return pBits(0); end; -- -- Overwriting the "and" operator for Bits -- function "and"(l:Bits;r:Bits) return Bits is variable i : Dec; variable lTemp,rTemp:Bits(l'LENGTH-1 downto 0); variable result : Bits(l'LENGTH-1 downto 0); begin assert (l'LENGTH=r'LENGTH) report "and Bits not of equal lengths" severity failure; lTemp:=l; rTemp:=r; for i in l'LENGTH-1 downto 0 loop if ((lTemp(i)='1') and (rTemp(i)='1')) then result(i):='1'; else result(i):='0'; end if; end loop; return result; end; -- -- Overwriting the "xor" operator for Bits -- function "xor"(l:Bits;r:Bits) return Bits is variable i : Dec; variable lTemp,rTemp:Bits(l'LENGTH-1 downto 0); variable result : Bits(l'LENGTH-1 downto 0); begin assert (l'LENGTH=r'LENGTH) report "xor Bits not of equal lengths" severity failure; lTemp:=l; rTemp:=r; for i in l'LENGTH-1 downto 0 loop if (((lTemp(i)='1') and (rTemp(i)='0')) or ((lTemp(i)='0') and (rTemp(i)='1'))) then result(i):='1'; else result(i):='0'; end if; end loop; return result; end; -- -- Overwriting the "or" operator for Bits -- function "or"(l:Bits;r:Bits) return Bits is variable i : Dec; variable lTemp,rTemp:Bits(l'LENGTH-1 downto 0); variable result : Bits(r'LENGTH-1 downto 0); begin assert (l'LENGTH=r'LENGTH) report "xor Bits not of equal lengths" severity failure; lTemp:=l; rTemp:=r; for i in r'LENGTH-1 downto 0 loop if (lTemp(i)='1') or (rTemp(i)='1') then result(i):='1'; else result(i):='0'; end if; end loop; return result; end; -- -- Overwriting the "not" operator for Dec -- function "not"(r:Dec) return Dec is begin return b2d(not d2b(32,r)); end; -- -- Overwriting the "and" operator for Dec -- function "and"(l:Dec;r:Dec) return Dec is begin return b2d(d2b(32,l) and d2b(32,r)); end; -- -- Overwriting the "xor" operator for Dec -- function "xor"(l:Dec;r:Dec) return Dec is begin return b2d(d2b(32,l) xor d2b(32,r)); end; -- -- Overwriting the "or" operator for Dec -- function "or"(l:Dec;r:Dec) return Dec is begin return b2d(d2b(32,l) or d2b(32,r)); end; -- -- Overwriting the "+" operator for Bits -- function "+"(l:Bits;r:Bits) return Bits is variable lBits,rBits : Bits(l'LENGTH-1 downto 0); variable result : SIGNED(l'LENGTH-1 downto 0); begin assert (l'LENGTH=r'LENGTH) report "Lengths must be identical in overwritten addition for Bits" severity failure; lBits:=l; rBits:=r; result:=SIGNED(lBits)+SIGNED(rBits); return Bits(result); end; -- -- Overwriting the "-" operator for Bits -- function "-"(l:Bits;r:Bits) return Bits is variable lBits,rBits : Bits(l'LENGTH-1 downto 0); variable result : SIGNED(l'LENGTH-1 downto 0); begin assert (l'LENGTH=r'LENGTH) report "Lengths must be identical in overwritten subtraction for Bits" severity failure; lBits:=l; rBits:=r; result:=SIGNED(lBits)-SIGNED(rBits); return Bits(result); end; end RTPC_LIB; <div align="center"><br /><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7293844627074885"; //468x60, Created at 07. 11. 25 google_ad_slot = "8619794253"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script><br /> </div>