--*************************************************************************** -- VHDL BIT_VECTOR Operations for MVL7 type -- -- Copyright (c) 1990 UCI CADLAB, Dept. of ICS -- Author : Sanjiv Narayan (narayan@ics.uci.edu) -- -- Updated 7/8/91 by Sanjiv and Frank -- -- updated by Champaka Ramachandran 16/10/92 -- -- updated by Sanjiv Narayan 12/9/92 -- to have I2B return "FF" if integer = 0 -- --*************************************************************************** use work.TYPES.all; package MVL7_functions is function SHL( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; fill : MVL7 ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function SHL0( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; dist : INTEGER ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function SHL1( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; dist : INTEGER ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function SHR( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; fill : MVL7 ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function SHR0( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; dist : INTEGER ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function SHR1( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; dist : INTEGER ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function ROTR( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; dist : INTEGER ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function ROTL( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; dist : INTEGER ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function I2B( Number : integer ; len : integer ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function B2I( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return integer; function COMP( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function TWOs_COMP( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function ODD_PARITY( v1 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7; function EVEN_PARITY( v1 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7; function REVERSE( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function SUM( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return integer; function PAD( v : MVL7_VECTOR ; width : integer ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function DEC( x : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function INC( x : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function CARRY_ADD( x1 : MVL7_VECTOR ; x2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function "+" ( x1 : MVL7_VECTOR ; x2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function "-"( x1 : MVL7_VECTOR ; x2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR; function "*" ( x1 : MVL7_VECTOR ; x2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR; end; package body MVL7_functions is --*************************************************************************** function SHL( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; fill : MVL7 ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable shift_val: MVL7_VECTOR (v1'high downto v1'low); variable I: integer; begin v1 := v2; for I in v1'high downto (v1'low + 1) loop shift_val(I) := v1(I - 1); end loop ; shift_val(v1'low) := fill; return shift_val; end; --*************************************************************************** function SHL0( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; dist : INTEGER ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable I: INTEGER; begin v1 := v2; for I in 1 to dist loop v1 := SHL(v1,'0'); end loop ; return v1; end; --*************************************************************************** function SHL1( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; dist : INTEGER ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable I: INTEGER; begin v1 := v2; for I in 1 to dist loop v1 := SHL(v1,'1'); end loop ; return v1; end; --*************************************************************************** function SHR( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; fill : MVL7 ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable shift_val: MVL7_VECTOR (v1'high downto v1'low); begin v1 := v2; for I in v1'low to (v1'high - 1) loop shift_val(I) := v1(I + 1); end loop ; shift_val(v1'high) := fill; return shift_val; end; --*************************************************************************** function SHR0( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; dist : INTEGER ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable I: INTEGER; begin v1 := v2; for I in 1 to dist loop v1 := SHR(v1,'0'); end loop ; return v1; end; --*************************************************************************** function SHR1( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; dist : INTEGER ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable I: INTEGER; begin v1 := v2; for I in 1 to dist loop v1 := SHR(v1,'1'); end loop ; return v1; end; --*************************************************************************** function ROTR( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; dist : INTEGER ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable I: INTEGER; begin v1 := v2; for i in 1 to dist loop v1 := SHR(v1,v1(v1'low)); end loop ; return v1; end; --*************************************************************************** function ROTL( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ; dist : INTEGER ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable I: INTEGER; begin v1 := v2; for i in 1 to dist loop v1 := SHL(v1,v1(v1'high)); end loop ; return v1; end; --*************************************************************************** function I2B( Number : integer ; len : integer ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable temp: MVL7_VECTOR (len - 1 downto 0); variable NUM: integer:=0; variable QUOTIENT: integer:=0; begin if (Number < 0) then for I in 0 to len - 1 loop temp(I) := '1'; end loop; else QUOTIENT := Number; for I in 0 to len - 1 loop NUM := 0; while QUOTIENT > 1 loop QUOTIENT := QUOTIENT - 2; NUM := NUM + 1; end loop ; case QUOTIENT is when 1 => temp(I) := '1'; when 0 => temp(I) := '0'; when others => null; end case; QUOTIENT := NUM; end loop ; end if; return temp; end; --*************************************************************************** function B2I( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return integer is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable SUM: integer:=0; begin v1 := v2; for N in v1'low to v1'high loop if v1(N) = '1' then SUM := SUM + (2 ** (N - v1'low)); end if; end loop ; return SUM; end; --*************************************************************************** function COMP( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable temp: MVL7_VECTOR (v1'high downto v1'low); variable I: INTEGER; begin v1 := v2; for I in v1'low to v1'high loop if v1(I) = '0' then temp(i) := '1'; else temp(i) := '0'; end if; end loop ; return temp; end; --*************************************************************************** function TWOs_COMP( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable temp: MVL7_VECTOR (v1'high downto v1'low); begin v1 := v2; temp := comp(v1); temp := INC(temp); return temp; end; --*************************************************************************** function "-" ( x1 : MVL7_VECTOR ; x2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (x1'high - x1'low downto 0); variable v2: MVL7_VECTOR (x2'high - x2'low downto 0); variable SUM: MVL7_VECTOR (v1'high downto v1'low); begin v1 := x1; v2 := x2; assert v1'length = v2'length report "MVL7 vector -: operands of unequal lengths" severity FAILURE; SUM := I2B(B2I(v1) - B2I(v2),SUM'length); return (SUM); end; --*************************************************************************** function DEC( x : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v: MVL7_VECTOR (x'high downto x'low); begin v := x; return I2B(B2I(v) - 1,v'length); end; --*************************************************************************** function CARRY_ADD( x1: MVL7_VECTOR ; x2: MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (x1'high - x1'low downto 0); variable v2: MVL7_VECTOR (x2'high - x2'low downto 0); variable SUM: MVL7_VECTOR (x1'high - x1'low + 1 downto 0); -- + 1 is for carry begin v1 := x1; v2 := x2; assert v1'length = v2'length report "MVL7vector carry add:operands of unequal lengths" severity FAILURE; SUM := I2B(B2I(v1) + B2I(v2),SUM'length); return (SUM); end; --*************************************************************************** function "+" ( x1 : MVL7_VECTOR ; x2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (x1'high - x1'low downto 0); variable v2: MVL7_VECTOR (x2'high - x2'low downto 0); variable SUM: MVL7_VECTOR (v1'high downto v1'low); begin v1 := x1; v2 := x2; assert v1'length = v2'length report "MVL7 vector +: operands of unequal lengths" severity FAILURE; SUM := I2B(B2I(v1) + B2I(v2),SUM'length); return (SUM); end; --*************************************************************************** function INC( x : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v: MVL7_VECTOR (x'high downto x'low); begin v := x; return I2B(B2I(v) + 1,v'length); end; --*************************************************************************** function ODD_PARITY( v1 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7 is begin if ((SUM(v1) mod 2) = 1) then return '0'; else return '1'; end if; end; --*************************************************************************** function EVEN_PARITY( v1 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7 is begin if ((SUM(v1) mod 2) = 1) then return '1'; else return '0'; end if; end; --*************************************************************************** function REVERSE( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable temp: MVL7_VECTOR (v1'high downto v1'low); begin v1 := v2; for I in v1'high downto v1'low loop temp(I) := v1(v1'high - I + v1'low); end loop ; return temp; end; --*************************************************************************** function SUM( v2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return integer is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (v2'high downto v2'low); variable count: integer:=0; begin v1 := v2; for I in v1'high downto v1'low loop if (v1(I) = '1') then count := count + 1; end if; end loop ; return count; end; --*************************************************************************** function PAD( v : MVL7_VECTOR ; width : integer ) return MVL7_VECTOR is begin return I2B(B2I(v),width); end; --*************************************************************************** function "*" ( x1 : MVL7_VECTOR ; x2 : MVL7_VECTOR ) return MVL7_VECTOR is variable v1: MVL7_VECTOR (x1'high - x1'low downto 0); variable v2: MVL7_VECTOR (x2'high - x2'low downto 0); variable PROD: MVL7_VECTOR (v1'high downto v1'low); begin v1 := x1; v2 := x2; assert v1'length = v2'length report "MVL7 vector MUL: operands of unequal lengths" severity FAILURE; PROD := I2B(B2I(v1) * B2I(v2),PROD'length); return (PROD); end; --*************************************************************************** end; <div align="center"><br /><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7293844627074885"; 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