--********************************************************************* -- Copyright (c) 1994 Frank Vahid, Jie Gong, and Sanjiv Narayan -- Department of Computer Science -- University of California, Irvine --********************************************************************* --********************************************************************* -- ans_sim.vhd: Test vectors for the answering machine of ans.sc --********************************************************************* -- Verification Information: -- Compiler/ -- Verified By whom? Date Simulator -- -------- ------------ -------- ------------ -- Syntax yes Preeti R. Panda 10 Feb 95 Synopsys -- Functionality yes Jie Gong ? Zycad -- -- entity E is end; architecture A of E is component ansE port ( -- Interface to line circuitry hangup_p : in bit; -- hangup detected offhook_p : out bit; -- answers produce_beep_p : out bit; -- produces a beep ring_p : in bit; -- ring detected tone_p : in bit_vector (3 downto 0); -- binary tone -- Interface to display num_msgs_p : out integer range 0 to 31; -- msgs display on_light_p : out bit; -- turns on led -- Touch-sensitive buttons but_fwd_p : in bit; -- forward tape but_hear_ann_p : in bit; -- play pre-recorded announcement but_machine_on_p: in bit; -- toggle machine-on state but_memo_p : in bit; -- record message via microphone but_play_msgs_p : in bit; -- play all messages but_play_p : in bit; -- play tape from curr position but_rec_ann_p : in bit; -- record a new announcement but_rew_p : in bit; -- rewind tape but_stop_p : in bit; -- stop tape -- Switches system_on_p : in bit; -- power switch tollsaver_p : in bit; -- answer after 2 rings if msg -- Interface to announcement player ann_done_p : in bit; -- end of announcement reached ann_play_p : out bit; -- plays announcement ann_rec_p : out bit; -- records announcement -- Interface to tape player tape_fwd_p : out bit; -- forwards tape tape_play_p : out bit; -- plays tape tape_rew_p : out bit; -- rewinds tape tape_rec_p : out bit; -- records on tape tape_count_p : in integer -- tape position, start is 0 ); end component; -- Interface to line circuitry signal hangup_p : bit; -- hangup detected signal offhook_p : bit; -- answers signal produce_beep_p : bit; -- produces a beep signal ring_p : bit; -- ring detected signal tone_p : bit_vector (3 downto 0); -- binary tone -- Interface to display signal num_msgs_p : integer range 0 to 31; -- msgs display signal on_light_p : bit; -- turns on led -- Touch-sensitive buttons signal but_fwd_p : bit; -- forward tape signal but_hear_ann_p : bit; -- play pre-recorded announcement signal but_machine_on_p: bit; -- toggle machine-on state signal but_memo_p : bit; -- record message via microphone signal but_play_msgs_p : bit; -- play all messages signal but_play_p : bit; -- play tape from curr position signal but_rec_ann_p : bit; -- record a new announcement signal but_rew_p : bit; -- rewind tape signal but_stop_p : bit; -- stop tape -- Switches signal system_on_p : bit; -- power switch signal tollsaver_p : bit; -- answer after 2 rings if msg -- Interface to announcement player signal ann_done_p : bit; -- end of announcement reached signal ann_play_p : bit; -- plays announcement signal ann_rec_p : bit; -- records announcement -- Interface to tape player signal tape_fwd_p : bit; -- forwards tape signal tape_play_p : bit; -- plays tape signal tape_rew_p : bit; -- rewinds tape signal tape_rec_p : bit; -- records on tape signal tape_count_p : integer; -- tape position, start is 0 for all : ansE use entity work.ansE(ansA); begin SpecChart : ansE port map ( hangup_p , offhook_p , produce_beep_p , ring_p , tone_p , num_msgs_p , on_light_p , but_fwd_p , but_hear_ann_p , but_machine_on_p, but_memo_p , but_play_msgs_p , but_play_p , but_rec_ann_p , but_rew_p , but_stop_p , system_on_p , tollsaver_p , ann_done_p , ann_play_p , ann_rec_p , tape_fwd_p , tape_play_p , tape_rew_p , tape_rec_p , tape_count_p ); stim: block type voice_res is array (natural range <>) of string(8 downto 1); function voice_resfct(input:voice_res) return string is begin for i in input'low to input'high loop -- a beep always drowns out other voices if input(i)="beep " then return("beep "); end if; end loop; assert (input'length<=1) report "Overdriven voice line." severity warning; if (input'length=1) then return(input(0)); else return("silence "); end if; end; signal voice_in : voice_resfct string(8 downto 1) bus :="silence " ; signal voice_out : voice_resfct string(8 downto 1) bus :="silence " ; signal next_cmd : bit; -- for simulation command increments begin USERS : process type call_status_type is (NO_ANSWER, BUSY, ANSWERED, BEEP_HEARD); variable call_status : call_status_type; procedure terminate_call is begin hangup_p <= '1'; assert false report "CALLER: Hanging up" severity note; wait for 1 ps; end ; procedure make_call(max_rings : in integer) is variable num_rings : integer:=0; begin if (offhook_p='1') then call_status := BUSY; terminate_call; else hangup_p <= '0'; while (offhook_p='0') and (num_rings < max_rings) loop num_rings := num_rings + 1; ring_p <= '1'; wait until offhook_p='1' for 1 ps; ring_p <= '0'; if offhook_p='0' then wait until offhook_p='1' for 1 ps; end if; end loop; if (offhook_p ='1') then call_status := ANSWERED; else call_status := NO_ANSWER; terminate_call; end if; end if; wait for 1 ps; end ; procedure push_button (button: in bit_vector(3 downto 0)) is begin tone_p <= button; wait for 1 ps; tone_p <= "1111"; wait for 1 ps; end ; procedure wait_for_beep is begin if (voice_out /= "beep ") then wait until voice_out="beep "; end if; if (voice_out = "beep ") then wait until voice_out/="beep "; end if; call_status := BEEP_HEARD; end; procedure say_word(word : in string(8 downto 1)) is begin voice_in <= word; assert false report "CALLER: Saying word" severity note; wait for 1 ps; voice_in <= "silence "; end; procedure push_machine_on_button is begin but_machine_on_p <= '1'; wait for 1 ps; but_machine_on_p <= '0'; end; begin -- All commands must complete within 500 ps --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- check that machine picks up after correct number of rings. -- Four possibilities: 15 (machine off), 4 (machine on, no messages -- or tollsaver off), 2 (message and tollsaver on), never (system off). tollsaver_p <= '0'; -- check never assert (false) report "Test1" severity note; make_call(20); -- should not pick up assert (call_status = NO_ANSWER) report "should not have answered" severity warning; wait until next_cmd='1'; -- check 15 assert (false) report "Test2" severity note; system_on_p <= '1'; wait for 1 ps; make_call(14); assert (call_status = NO_ANSWER) report "should not have answered" severity warning; make_call(15); assert (call_status = ANSWERED) report "should have answered" severity warning; terminate_call; wait until next_cmd='1'; -- check 4 assert (false) report "Test3" severity note; push_machine_on_button; wait for 1 ps; make_call(3); assert (call_status = NO_ANSWER) report "should not have answered" severity warning; make_call(4); assert (call_status = ANSWERED) report "should have answered" severity warning; terminate_call; wait until next_cmd='1'; assert (false) report "Test4" severity note; tollsaver_p <= '1'; wait for 1 ps; make_call(3); assert (call_status = NO_ANSWER) report "should not have answered" severity warning; make_call(4); assert (call_status = ANSWERED) report "should have answered" severity warning; terminate_call; assert (false) report "Test5" severity note; tollsaver_p <= '0'; wait for 1 ps; make_call(4); wait_for_beep; wait for 20 ps; say_word("HI "); say_word("THERE "); terminate_call; wait for 5 ps; make_call(3); assert (call_status = NO_ANSWER) report "should not have answered" severity warning; make_call(4); assert (call_status = ANSWERED) report "should have answered" severity warning; terminate_call; wait until next_cmd='1'; -- check 2 assert (false) report "Test6" severity note; tollsaver_p <= '1'; make_call(1); assert (call_status = NO_ANSWER) report "should not have answered" severity warning; make_call(2); assert (call_status = ANSWERED) report "should have answered" severity warning; terminate_call; wait until next_cmd='1'; -- check turning system off assert (false) report "Test7" severity note; system_on_p <= '0'; wait for 5 ps; assert (on_light_p = '0') report "on_light should turn off" severity warning; make_call(20); assert (call_status = NO_ANSWER) report "should not have answered" severity warning; wait; end process ; tape_player : process constant tape_size : integer := 15; type tape_type is array (0 to tape_size-1) of string(8 downto 1); variable tape : tape_type; variable count : integer:=0; begin for i in tape'low to tape'high loop tape(i) := "blank "; end loop; tape_count_p <= count; loop voice_out <= null; if (tape_play_p = '1') then if (count + 1 < tape'high) then voice_out <= tape(count); count := count + 1; else count := tape'high; end if; tape_count_p <= count; elsif (tape_rec_p = '1') then if (count + 1 < tape'high) then tape(count) := voice_in; count := count + 1; else count := tape'high; end if; tape_count_p <= count; elsif (tape_fwd_p = '1') then if (count + 5 < tape'high) then count := count + 5; else count := tape'high; end if; tape_count_p <= count; elsif (tape_rew_p = '1') then if (count - 5 > tape'low) then count := count - 5; else count := tape'low; end if; tape_count_p <= count; end if; if (tape_play_p='1' or tape_rec_p='1' or tape_rew_p='1' or tape_fwd_p='1') then wait for 1 ps; else wait on tape_play_p,tape_rec_p,tape_rew_p,tape_fwd_p; end if; end loop; end process; announcement_player : process type ann_array is array (1 to 6) of string(8 downto 1); variable ann : ann_array:=("We're ", "not ", "home ", "Leave ", "a ", "message "); variable i : integer; begin voice_out <= transport null; wait until ann_play_p='1' or ann_rec_p='1'; if (ann_play_p='1') then i := ann'low; while (i <= ann'high) and (ann_play_p='1') loop voice_out <= ann(i); i := i + 1; wait on ann_play_p for 1 ps; end loop; ann_done_p <= '1'; if (ann_play_p='1') then wait until ann_play_p='0'; end if; ann_done_p <= '0'; elsif (ann_rec_p='1') then i := ann'low; while (i <= ann'high) loop ann(i) := voice_in; i := i + 1; wait for 1 ps; end loop; ann_done_p <= '1'; if (ann_rec_p='1') then wait until ann_rec_p='0'; end if; ann_done_p <= '0'; end if; end process; beep_producer : process begin voice_in <= transport null; voice_out <= transport null; wait until produce_beep_p='1'; voice_in <= transport "beep "; voice_out <= transport "beep "; wait until produce_beep_p='0'; end process; gen_increments : process begin next_cmd <= '1'; wait for 1 ps; next_cmd <= '0'; wait for 499 ps; end process; end block; end A; <div align="center"><br /><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7293844627074885"; //468x60, Created at 07. 11. 25 google_ad_slot = "8619794253"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script><br /> </div>