This is the adaptive interpolator written by Koen Van Nieuwenhove. Look in adintpol_v8.sil for more information about the algorithm. Shortly, this algoritm recovers a signal that contains a burst. The description can be simulated with a program "s2c" (Silage to C). To obtain "s2c" contact Mr. Gert Goossens (email : or Joost Deseure (email : adintpol_v8.sil : contains the Silage description : describes the names of the inputfile and the signal that are displayed. examples : a directory with input and output stimuli To obtain simulation results : 1) Put the input files in this directory : prompt> ln -s examples/example1/Inp.s . prompt> ln -s examples/example1/Inp.m . prompt> ln -s examples/example1/Inp.t . 2) Compile adintpol_v8.sil with s2c : prompt> s2c -m adintpol_v8 prompt> make bit s2c -f adintpol_v8 Parsing. Signal Flow Graph Construction. Manifest Bounds Calculation. Type Deduction. Conditional delay check. Symbolic Simulation. Checking of the delay's. Process Partitioning. Code Generation. Compilation Finished. cc -w -DBITTRUE -DDETOV -I//poseidon/usr/users/cad/cad/include/s2c adintpol_v8.c //poseidon/usr/users/cad/cad/lib/SR10lib/BIT.a -lm -o adintpol_v8B 3) Simulate : prompt> adintpol_v8B > Out.trunc Lode Nachtergaele (email : <div align="center"><br /><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7293844627074885"; //468x60, Created at 07. 11. 25 google_ad_slot = "8619794253"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script><br /> </div>