Current Status of HLSW Benchmarks and Guidelines for Benchmark Submission -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nik Dutt, U.C. Irvine HLSW92 Benchmark Coordinator Last Updated: September 18, 1992. First Created: April 9, 1992. Please send comments, corrections, suggestions and criticisms to "" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents -------- 1. Introduction 2. Comments on the old set of benchmarks (before 1992) 3. Guidelines for new benchmark submission 4. Status of new HLSW92 benchmarks 5. Brief history of HLSW benchmarking ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction --------------- Although the benchmarking effort for high-level synthesis has been alive and active for several years, the current (i.e., older than 1991) set of HLSW benchmarks are not very robust and lack the rigor associated with most benchmarking efforts. This is certainly not intentional, and perhaps arose from our (i.e., the HLS community's) eagerness in trying to get as many examples into the HLSW benchmark set as possible. However, we have reached a point of maturity in HLS where several researchers use (or attempt to use) the benchmarks for comparative evaluation of their results. These comparisons are often confusing and sometimes incorrect, due to the inherent ambiguity in the existing set of benchmarks. As part of HLSW92, we are attempting to rectify this situation by providing a set of guidelines for benchmark submission and use, together with some sample benchmarks that follow these guidelines. This document attempts to describe the status of the benchmarking effort prior to HLSW92 (Sec. 2), suggests some new guidelines for introducing more rigor into benchmarking for HLS (Sec. 3), and points to a new set of benchmark examples that follow these guidelines (Sec. 4). The document concludes with a brief history of the benchmarking effort for the past few High-Level Synthesis Workshops (Sec. 5). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. (Old) Benchmarks for HLSW 1991 ---------------------------------- The benchmarks for HLSW 1991 are currently available from MCNC under the directory labeled "HLSynth91". The design descriptions vary in complexity, application, language, description style and scope. The following design descriptions comprise the benchmark set for HLSW 1991: o Processors mc6502 (ISPS) mc68000 (ISPS) frisc (Hdw-C) mark-1 (ISPS) o Peripheral/Glue Chips i8251 (ISPS, Hdw-C) Amiga BLIT (C) o DSP Chips fft (paper description) pitch extraction (paper description) Kalman filter (ISPS) fifth-order elliptic filter (VHDL, Hdw-C) o FSM Controllers and Small Examples gcd (Hdw-C) ecc (Hdw-C) TLC (Hdw-C) tseng (Hdw-C) diffeq (Hdw-C) daior (Hdw-C) daiop (Hdw-C) The current benchmark set has several shortcomings which are described below. 2.1 Lack of Sufficient Documentation --------------------------------------- Most of the designs have little or no documentation. In addition to the HDL descriptions we need to have English descriptions of the functionality, comments in the HDL descriptions and pointers to the original source of information (e.g., data sheet). 2.2 Lack of Simulation Vectors --------------------------------- Except for some Hardware-C benchmarks, none of the HLSW benchmarks have any simulation vectors for inputs and expected outputs used to test typical behavioral sequences. Some of the ISPS benchmarks may have been simulated before they were submitted, but unfortunately, the test vectors are not part of the benchmark set. For the other descriptions, one can surmise that most of them have never been simulated or checked for behavioral correctness! As a result, the very behavior these models is in question (i.e., does the HDL description *really* describe the design?). Furthermore, the lack of input and output simulation vectors for the behavioral descriptions implies that the outputs of synthesis tools on these examples may never have been simulated (or verified) for correctness. This is a serious deficiency in the current set of benchmarks, since most researchers take existing descriptions and adapt them (e.g., translate into another HDL or modify the description style) to suit specific tool requirements. In the absence of a set of "sanity-check" test vectors, there is no mechanism to ensure the preservation of behavior for modified (or translated) design descriptions. Furthermore, outputs of synthesis tools that have not been simulated for correct operational behavior are of dubious value. 2.3 Variety of HDLs and Formats ---------------------------------- The old set of benchmarks are written using a variety of HDLs. In some instances, the benchmark is simply a "paper description" of a design. While the variance in HDLs cannot be avoided, it is preferable for the benchmarks to be written in "well-known", robust HDLs (e.g., VHDL or Verilog) which have publicly available reference manuals and simulators. This makes the benchmarks available to a larger community of HLS researchers. 2.4 Ambiguity in Assumptions and Simplifications --------------------------------------------------- In describing standard parts, the HDL description may have several assumptions built-in (e.g., timing behavior), both due to the lack of sufficient information and/or due to the limitations of the synthesis tools used. Similarly, several simplifications (e.g., ignoring tristating) or omissions (e.g., omitting several instructions for a complex processor) may be made in developing the input HDL description. The existing benchmark examples for standard parts lack a clear description of the assumptions and simplifications made. 2.5 Design Level vs. Description Level ----------------------------------------- The benchmarks vary in their level of design (e.g. simple FSMs to complex microprocessors), but are all described using behavioral constructs. In some instances, the design is already partitioned into functional blocks, with behavioral descriptions for each block (e.g., the I8251). Furthermore, some designs can easily be described at two levels: abstract behavior and partitioned functional blocks, resulting in different synthesis issues for each HDL model. Hence some indication of the level of the design and its partitioning is useful when comparing the results of synthesis. 2.6 TextBook Examples ------------------------ Several benchmark examples are of academic interest or are quite trivial in their scope and range. Unfortunately, this results from the difficulty in obtaining industrial-strength examples. Moreover, in instances where such designs are somehow acquired, they often have insufficient information or documentation to make them useful for use in HLS. It behooves our industrial participants/researchers/observers to make "real" examples available to the HLS research community so that we can begin realistic comparative analyses of HLS tools and systems. This is an appeal for more "real" design examples to augment the current set of HLSW benchmarks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Guidelines for Benchmark Submission (HLSW 92) ------------------------------------------------- Based on comments from the previous section, the following guidelines are suggested as a first step towards introducing more rigor in the benchmarking process, and towards the creation of a robust set of benchmark examples for testing HLS tools and systems. 3.1 "Well-Known" HDL Description --------------------------------- The design must be described using a "well-known" HDL which has a publicly available LRM, and which has a publicly available simulator. Sample HDLs that fit this criterion include VHDL, Verilog and Hardware-C. The HDL description must be liberally commented to allow readability. 3.2. Design Documentation, Assumptions, Simplifications -------------------------------------------------------- The source of the design information should be specified (e.g., data sheet, initial design spec., etc.). A description of the design's functionality (using English, flowcharts, block diagrams, etc.) must accompany the HDL description. All assumptions and simplifications made in writing the HDL model must be clearly stated. 3.3 Simulation Vectors ----------------------- A set of input and expected output functional test vectors must accompany the HDL description for simulating typical operational behaviors of the design. These test vectors are not designed to exhaustively test the design. Instead, they give some level of confidence in the behavioral HDL model, and allow translation and validation of the model into another HDL or description style. The test vectors must also be accompanied by a (English) description of what functionality is being tested. The input and expected output vectors should be described in a generic format that allows ease of use in different simulation environments. A brief description of the test vector format must accompany the test vector set. 3.4 Simulator Details ---------------------- Each benchmark design must indicate the name, version, and availability (where appropriate) of the simulator used to test the design. 3.5 Synthesis Outputs --------------------- The outputs of synthesis tools must be simulated using the same simulator and test vectors used to check the behavior of the input description. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. New Benchmarks for HLSW 1992 (status as of Sep. 18 1992) ------------------------------------------------------------- The directory "HLSynth92" in the MCNC benchmark repository has the following design examples that conform to the new guidelines: o Processors and Sequencers Am2901 Microprocessor slice Am2910 Microprogram address sequencer o Peripheral/Glue Chips I8251 USART o DSP Chips Kalman filter fifth-order elliptic filter o FSM Controllers and Small Examples gcd TLC diffeq controlled counter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Brief History ---------------- This sections gives a brief history of the benchmarking effort for HLS. Please inform "" is there are any errors, omissions, or corrections. 5.1 1987-1988 -------------- The benchmarking effort began during the summer of 1987 when an informal benchmarking discussion was organized by Gaetano Borriello and Ewald Detjens during DAC 1987. The urgent need for a set of benchmarks led to the HLSW 1988 Call for Participation stating: "The objective of the workshop is to begin the development of a set of ``high-level synthesis benchmarks'' that can provide a means of comparing different synthesis systems and guide future work to include a complete range of digital circuits". A mailing list of parties interested in the benchmarking effort was also established. Four classes of circuits and representative examples were proposed as a starting point for the benchmark set: o Simple controller (I8251 UART) o Simple microprocessor (MC6502) o Signal processing application (fifth order elliptic wave filter) o Complex microprocessor (MC68000) Except for the wave filter example (which was a textual description), all the other examples were written in ISPS. 5.2 1988-1989 -------------- Robert Mayo took over as the benchmark coordinator after 1988. In an effort to expand the benchmark set, design examples continued to be solicited from the HLS community. Since the benchmark set had few design examples, design descriptions were added to the benchmark set on an "as-is" basis, with the intention of broadening the range and number of design examples. Listed below is the set of benchmarks that were used for HLSW 1989 (these files are available from MCNC under the directory labeled "HLSynth89"): o Processors: mc6502 (ISP description) mc68000 (ISP description) o Peripheral/glue chips: i8251 (ISP description, Hardware C description) Amiga BLIT chip (C description) o DSP chips: fft (paper description only) pitch extraction (paper description only) kalman filter (ISP description) o Small examples: Traffic light controller (V & VHDL descriptions) GCD (V & VHDL descriptions) Counter (V & VHDL descriptions) Prefetch (V & VHDL descriptions) 5.3 1990-1991 -------------- Robert Mayo moved the benchmark set to the MCNC file distribution center during October of 1990. In 1991, some additional examples were provided by Giovanni De Micheli (Stanford). These examples were written in HardwareC, and included sample input and output test patterns for simulation of the behavior. The complete set of benchmarks used for HLSW 1991 are available from MCNC under the directory labeled "HLSynth91". This set augmented the "HLSynth89" benchmark set with the following HardwareC design descriptions: daio_receiver DAIO Receiver daio_phase_decoder DAIO Phase Decoder diffeq Differential Equation Solver ecc Error Correction System elliptic Fifth Order Elliptic Filter frisc RISC Microprocessor gcd Greatest Common Divisor Alg. parker1986 Example from Alice Parker 1986 traffic Traffic Light Controller tseng Example from Tseng ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <div align="center"><br /><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7293844627074885"; //468x60, Created at 07. 11. 25 google_ad_slot = "8619794253"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script><br /> </div>