SOPC World 2007
The New Frontier
We're entering a new frontier of system design. System complexity continues to rise dramatically, product lifecycles are shorter than ever, and time-to-profit timelines keep shrinking. For every project, you must not only meet technical goals, but also business goals that have significant impact.
To meet these goals, you need to act swiftly, to continually introduce new capabilities and features while raising performance over the life of your product. And, of course, you have to accomplish all of this while keeping costs at a minimum.
In this high-pressure environment, what matters most are the choices you make at the start of every design project. Among other things, you must choose the design tools, the concept-to-production silicon strategy, the intellectual property (IP), and the level of support.
Ultimately, these choices will spell success or failure. To help you make these choices, SOPC World 2007 offers key technical sessions providing useful tips to help you strengthen your competitive edge:
- Integrating programmable solutions into a variety of industry applications
- Applying digital signal processing (DSP) and embedded technologies in FPGA designs
- Meeting signal integrity and channel optimization requirements when designing with transceiver-based FPGAs
- Lowering power consumption while optimizing performance at 65 nm
Join us at SOPC World this year. Whether you're designing for one or for one million, a simple application or an ultra-high speed, multi-function system, you'll learn from Altera and our partners about the most advanced programmable solutions and other secret weapons you can use to design for success.
Register now!
Event Details
SOPC World 2007 for Asia Pacific takes place at the following locations on the dates specified:
- October 17, 2007 -Hsinchu, Taiwan
- October 23, 2007 - Bangalore, India
- October 25, 2007 - Nanjing, China
- October 30, 2007 - Wuhan, China
- October 31, 2007 - Delhi, India
- November 1, 2007 - Chengdu, China
You will have the chance to have face-to-face discussions with Altera's product and systems experts.
Related Links

If you would like someone to contact you regarding Altera's high-speed SOPC solutions, please email


SOPC World 2007은 한국에서는 개최되지 않고 중국/대만/인도에서만 개최되었습니다.
여기서는 중국어로 되어있는 중국/대만 자료는 제외하고 인도에서 진행된 내용에 의거 자료를 제공합니다.
위에 나와있는 link중 "Agenda and Technical Sessions: India"부분에서 발표자료를 download하실 수 있습니다.