The development of the ERC32, a radiation-hard SPARC V7 computing core for embedded space-flight applications is now approaching completion. The development has been carried out under ESTEC contract 9848/92/NL/FM by a consortium including SES (S) as prime, MHS (F), MMS (F), Logica (UK), TSP/Alsys (UK) and Spacebel (B). The ERC32 toolset developed under this contract includes:
The ERC32 Products Day is intended to provide potential users with detailed information regarding the features, maturity and availability of the ERC32 hardware and software products. A number of technical and commercial presentations will be held, followed by live demonstrations of the various products' operation. Opportunities for direct discussions (Q & A) with the ERC32 products manufactures will also be provided.
During the ERC32 Products Day, the ERC32 Products Evaluation Programme will be announced. This programme is intended to provide a structured framework for Industry to perform comprehensive evaluation of selected ERC32 items on a low-cost entry basis. Detailed information on the organisation and the participation requirements of the ERC32 Products Evaluation Programme will be provided during the announcement.
The ERC32 Products Day will be held on:
Tuesday, October 1, 1996 starting at 09:15 in Newton 1 conference room at ESTEC
You are cordially invited to attend this event and encouraged to extend this invitation to any interested colleagues. Please confirm your attendance to Jiri Gaisler (ESTEC/WSD) by email ( or fax (+31-71-5654295). External visitors need to announce their participation at least two days in advance to be cleared by the security at the gate.
Information on how to reach ESTEC can be found at , for additional ERC32 data, see the ERC32 home page at .
Topic Start time (est.) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction (ESTEC) 09:15 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical and Commercial Presentations ------------------------------------------------------------------- ERC32 Chipset (MHS) 09:30 DEM32 Board (SES) 10:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Coffee Break 10:20 ------------------------------------------------------------------- CPB VME board (MMS) 10:40 AVECS VME board (DASA) 11:00 ERC32 Ada Compilation System (TSP/Alsys UK) 11:20 ERC32 Target Simulator and Hard RT Tools (Spacebel) 11:50 GNU S/W development tools for ERC32 (ESTEC) 12:30 ERC32 evaluation programme announcement (ESTEC) 12:50 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Lunch Break 13:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Live Demonstrations ------------------------------------------------------------------- ERC32 Ada Compilation System (TSP/Alsys UK) 14:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Coffee Break 15:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ERC32 Target Simulator and Hard RT Tools (Spacebel) 15:30 GNU S/W development tools for ERC32 (ESTEC) 16:30 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Close 17:15 -------------------------------------------------------------------
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