#!/usr/bin/perl -w use English; sub execute_cmd { my($this_cmd) = pop(@_); my($pid); printf "Executing '$cmd' \n"; $pid = open (LAST,"$cmd |"); while () { print $_; } close(LAST); } $_=`/usr/ucb/whoami`; chop; $person = $_; ## Change these variables $simdir = "abm_ss"; $assignment="Arch_sim4"; $target_dir = "/home/reese/vhdl_dev/sims/$person"; #@files = ("$simdir/"); @files = (); # for file check ##### $tarname="tmp_submit"; $uuname = $tarname . "\.uu"; $maxsize = 1000000; $fail = 0; if (!-e $simdir) { printf "Expecting a directory named $simdir\n. File not submitted.\n"; exit(1); } foreach $file (@files) { printf "Checking existence of: $file \n"; if (!(-e $file)) { printf STDERR "Can't find file: $file\n"; $fail = 1; } } if ($fail) { printf STDERR "File Existence check failed, project not submitted \n"; exit(-1); } printf STDERR "Creating uuencoded tar file...\n"; $cmd = "tar cf $tarname.tar $simdir"; &execute_cmd($cmd); if (!(-e "$tarname.tar")) { printf STDERR "Tar file creation failed. Internal error, send email to reese\@erc.msstate.edu \n"; printf STDERR "Homework not submitted.\n"; exit(-1); } @fstats = stat("$tarname.tar"); $fsize = $fstats[7]; if ($fsize > $maxsize) { print STDERR "Your TAR file ($tarname.tar) submission is too big (> $maxsize bytes) \n"; print STDERR "Make sure only ESSENTIAL files are in the $simdir directory. \n"; print STDERR "Homework not submitted.\n"; exit(-1); } $cmd = "uuencode $tarname.tar $target_dir/$tarname.tar \> $uuname"; printf STDERR "Executing $cmd \n"; `$cmd`; if (!(-e $uuname)) { printf STDERR "UUencoded tar file creation failed. Internal error, send email to reese\@erc.msstate.edu \n"; printf STDERR "Project not submitted.\n"; exit(-1); } printf STDERR "Mailing uuencoded tar file...\n"; $cmd = "mailx -s $assignment reese\@erc.msstate.edu $person < $uuname"; &execute_cmd($cmd); `rm -f $tarname.tar $uuname`; printf STDERR "Project submitted. Mailed to both reese\@erc.msstate.edu and $person\n";